Life can sometimes get so busy that we often forget to let the ones around us know how much we care, our kids included. It is very important to stop to do and say things that let our kids know that we have their back and that they can know in their hearts that we think the world of them.
If you are getting caught up in the fast lane of life and need some quick, fun and easy ways to show your kids you care, here are some suggestions for tots to teens.
10 Easy Ways to Show Your Kids You Care
Have one-on-one time with them
If you have more than one child, this can be especially important. Carve out some time to just spend with them on a regular basis. This can be something as simple as 15 minutes to talk about what they want to talk about or as elaborate as taking them out for lunch. Just showing them that you made time for them individually means so much in the long run.
Talk about them behind their back
One of the best ways to let your kids know you really mean something and truly believe something is to talk about them behind their back. Let them hear you tell others about how great they are, but do NOT let them know you know they heard. It’ll ruin it.
When you brag on your kids and they hear it, it makes them accept what you are saying as truth. Knowing that you make them so happy that you can’t wait to tell others can really lift their spirits.
Leave little “love notes”
Just like spouses or significant others, our kids need little love note reminders that we care. A simple note in a lunch box or by a bedside can really let your child know you were thinking of them. It doesn’t have to be a big production either. Little kids will love a silly note and teens may find great meaning in something that simply says “I am proud of you.”
Let them pick dinner once in a while
This tells them you trust their decisions and encourage them to make wise choices. It makes home a fun place to be and helps train daughters especially to prepare meals for their families when they are older.
Choose your words carefully
Don’t say things you will regret. If you are frustrated, it is much more loving to walk away than say what is on your mind and it teaches them that it’s OK to get frustrated and how to handle it. If anger is something you struggle with from time to time, check out my post about how to diffuse anger within 5 seconds. Yep 5 SECONDS!
Don’t let the world interrupt your child
This means, if you are paying attention to your child, don’t let the phone or a social media alert take your attention away. This isn’t to say that you should drop everything for them, but if you are listening to them or spending time with them and get interrupted, let it sit for a while before answering back. This shows them that they are important to you.
This is something that I especially struggle with as a blogger. It’s always a balance of spending my time online doing something I love and working to support my family, or spending more time with them, something else I love to do. Balance is key if you work from home.
Take a picture
Take a picture of just the two of you and frame it. Place it in a spot they will see often. For me, I have a picture of my oldest and me as my background on my computer. Every time my daughter sees it, she stares at it and smiles. She doesn’t know I see her do this, but she is important to me, and I want her picture where I spend a lot of my time. Since doing this, it’s really helped our relationship greatly. She doesn’t seem to fight me as much anymore. She understands that I genuinely care about her.
Don’t forget the goofy photos! In the above picture, I was trying to take a picture of my daughter, and my son (a big ham) kept photo-bombing her! It’s those moments that are special, the goofy, random, not planned moments in life that bring your family closer together. Let them happen.
Tell them you love them
It may seem so simple, but it truly makes a difference. We say “I love you” sometimes with such fleeting meaning. We say it out of habit or when we think of it. Next time you say it, look them in the eyes when you do and always, always say “I love you” at LEAST once a day! Trust me, your children will remember that!
Be child-like yourself
I think kids often don’t expect their parents to act like kids. They sometimes feel misunderstood. On a regular basis, be that playful child you once were. It’s okay to be silly, watch cartoons with them, play games with them. Never forget to have fun.
Do something they like
Take part in some of their interests even if they aren’t yours. This can be especially important to teens and tweens who are just beginning to find their own voice. Encourage and support them in this way.