I love to pray. It’s literally one of my favorite things to do because it’s a time when His presence is so known, so felt. A time when we get to talk directly to the God who made the whole universe and yet He’s our loving Father, always there for us, no matter what. Always caring for us, always loving us, always so attentive to our needs, our desires, no matter how big or how small they may seem.
Just talking with God, drinking Living Water, spending time with Him knowing that the God of the entire universe actually cares what I have to say is amazing. 😮 Wow!
He cares so much for us and every single one of our prayers are answered (whether His answer is no, wait, maybe, or yes). The point is that He cares. He takes what we pray very seriously and so should we! Prayers shouldn’t be flippantly or not thought through, BECAUSE He takes them seriously!
If you pray for something, He may answer you before you’ve even really decided you want what you prayed for and then you’re in a mess. We must take our prayers and our communication with the Lord just as seriously as He does!
But in those quiet moments with Him daily, my heart settled before Him, open, raw, honest, and vulnerable, that’s when I do my best thinking and feel the closest to the Lord, calling out to Him to comfort me, give me peace, love, and patience for the day. Spending time with my Heavenly Father, asking Him what He wants me to focus on that day and this week, it’s children!
Here you will find 30 days of prayer for children to inspire your own prayers for your little ones and the kids in whom you serve.
30 Days of Prayer For Your Children
Follow along with these children Scriptures from the Bible below:
Day 1: Salvation {Titus 3:4-8}
Lord, please help my children to come to a full knowledge of you and to accept you fully and completely in the time that you have designed for their lives. Please help me to be a godly example and a tool used by you to accomplish that purpose.
Day 2: Love {Psalm 63:3}
Lord, please help my children to know how much I love them, how much I sacrifice for them daily, so that when they are older, they will consider themselves blessed for having me as a mom.
Day 3: Acceptance {Matthew 6:24}
Lord, please help my children to care more about what YOU think about them, than what their peers think about them.
Day 4: Marriage {Proverbs 31}
Lord, I pray that when they are older, they will find the spouses that you have intended them to find. That they will themselves make good spouses and that their future spouses will not condemn me for how I have raised them, but that they should be great people in your sight and in the sight of the world.
Day 5: Confidence {Exodus 14:5-14}
Lord, please give them the confidence in you, that they should know who they are and what you have purposed them to be.
Day 6: Faith {Genesis 15:1-6}
Lord, please give my children faith beyond doubt. Help them to fully trust in you and your love.
Day 7: Grace {Ephesians 1:7-8}
Lord, please show my children extra grace when I become angry and irritated with them. I am but human, but you are perfect Lord. Please show them your humility and kindness at all times.
Day 8: Closeness {Deuteronomy 31:6}
Lord, please always be near to my children. Never leave them or forsake them.
Day 9: Loss {Luke 6:21}
Lord, my children have been through so much. The loss of their dad, formerly homeless. Please help them to come to terms with the loss of their father. Be that Father for them that they so desperately need.
Day 10: School {Psalm 121:5}
Lord, you know that it is hard for me to put my children in school, so I pray that you will be with them when I cannot be there to watch out for them. Keep them safe and guard their hearts from evil people who are nothing more than wolves in kind little sheeps’ clothing.
Day 11: Safety {Psalm 121:7}
Lord, please keep my children safe from harm now and in the future.
Day 12: Communication {Colossians 3:8}
Lord, my son has trouble expressing his feelings. Please give him wisdom to know what his feelings are and the strength and confidence in me to be able to share them. Help me to respond in love toward his feelings, whatever they may be each day that he chooses to share them.
Day 13: Affection {John 13:34}
Lord, please help my children to be affectionate kids. Knowing that it’s okay to cry in public, it’s okay to hold and hug and kiss their family, and show love.
Day 14: Gentle Spirit {Galatians 5:22-23}
Lord, please give my children a gentle and meek spirit, especially my son. Help them to know that it’s not a sign of weakness, but rather strength under control.
Day 15: Honesty {Proverbs 19:22}
Lord, please help my children to understand the importance of not lying, but rather being truthful at all times.
Day 16: Quarreling {2 Timothy 2:24}
Lord, please help my children to get along better, treating each other with kindness and love. Help them to see the value in having a sibling as I am an only child and never knew that kind of relationship.
Day 17: Home {Luke 15:11-32}
Lord, please help my children always know that they can come home for any reason. No matter how bad they’ve messed up, help them to know they always have a spot in my heart and are always welcome in my life.
Day 18: Prepare {Proverbs 16:9}
Lord, please prepare them for their future. Whatever it is that you want them to do when they are older, prepare them for that day.
Day 19: Diversity {Genesis 11:1-9}
Lord, you know how important it is to me to not judge people by the color of their skin. Please help my children to know this also, that you created all of us in your image and beautiful.
Day 20: Courage {Proverbs 3:25-26}
Lord, please give my children courage to stand up for the truth, to do what is right, and to choose the right thing when they get opportunity to do what is wrong. Help them and guide them toward making the right decisions.
Day 21: Purpose {Isaiah 43:10}
Lord, please help them to know why they were made. Give them a strong sense of purpose.
Day 22: Generosity {Luke 6:38}
Lord, please help my children be generous toward others, especially those who have less than we do.
Day 23: Thankfulness {Ephesians 5:20}
Lord, please help my children learn to be thankful for all that we have, to be grateful for all the blessings you bestow upon us.
Day 24: Submission {Hebrew 13:17}
Lord, please help my daughter to fully understand what it means to be submissive to her future husband and for my son to fully know what it means to be submissive to Christ and to his future wife.
Day 25: Money {Proverbs 22:7}
Lord, please help my children to be wise and not get into debt when they are older. Help them to learn from my past mistakes regarding debt and not make the same mistakes I did when I was younger.
Day 26: Priorities {Matthew 6:33}
Lord, please help my children to both put you first in their life, to love you with all their hearts, souls, and minds for as long as they live.
Day 27: Joy {Psalm 51:12}
Lord, after they are saved, please give them the joy that only comes from you and salvation. Write it upon their hearts that they may share that same message with others.
Day 28: Forgiveness {Matthew 18:21-35}
Lord, please help my children to always forgive me for not being perfect. I fail you and them so many times, though I try so hard to be the woman and mom you designed me to be. Please give them patience for me, love, and tenderness when I mess up.
Day 29: Integrity {Proverbs 10:9}
Lord, please help them to have integrity, especially in the area of being sexually pure. Help them to walk in integrity and let my life be a shining, blemish free example to them in this area.
Day 30: Your Will {Proverbs 3:5-6}
Lord, please let your will be done in their lives. Lead them on the path that you want them to go and arrange their steps as they walk in your love.
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