While there are many reasons to start a blog (here’s 47 of them), I feel like, there are several more unusual reasons to start a blog website that people often miss. If you fall into any of these categories, you NEED to start a blog! A-sap…I am just saying!
Top 5 Unusual Reasons to Start a Blog
1) You’re unique, special, or WEIRD
All my life, I’ve been that odd duck. I never seemed to fit in. It didn’t really matter WHAT the situation, I just…didn’t seem to fit. I was a square peg and for so long, I kept trying to fit in circle holes.
Things that I’ve been made fun of for doing, over time, I realize are not that weird. And if they are considered weird, then there’s a lot of weirdo’s out there who connect with me. 😛
I’m not saying that if you’re a regular reader of mine, you’re weird, but I AM saying that there’s something about me that people connect with. And that makes me happy!
I kept thinking, as I was growing up, that I’d blossom from this odd duck into a beautiful swan. I kept waiting and waiting and waiting and truth be told, it never seemed to happen. I’m still an odd duck to a lot of people.
What I’ve learned through my blogging business, is that IT’S OKAY to be different.
In fact, the more different and unique you ARE, the better you’ll do in blogging! Did you get that? It’s important YOU KNOW that you will do BETTER in blogging if you’re an odd duck too!
So, instead of trying to fit in some mold the world wants to put you in, embrace your weirdness!
Get out there and embrace WHO YOU ARE and go for it. Because there are a lot of people dying to find someone as “weird” as them! We all want to belong, and you could be that voice for a lot of people who may hide their voice, because they are scared of showing it.
Be bold…be yourself…show the world who you are! Create a blog with your unique voice, experience and views!
2) You need counseling
This is a funny one, in my opinion. Although I have always given out great content and lots of tips and tricks that help people, I do have to admit that there’s a side to blogging that can really shape you as a person.
One of those areas is counseling.
See, I’ve always thought that I’M the one giving this killer advice to millions of people. Little did I know, that over time, YOU have been SHAPING ME! You have done more for me than you will EVER know!
I get emails all the time, women encouraging ME! I said I like the ocean, so a woman emailed me pictures of her ocean. It touches my heart more than you can imagine to be a part of your lives in such a way that you’d take time out of your busy day for me like that.
People send me Bible verses when I say I’m struggling. It’s truly a community and I feel so thankful for being a part of your life.
I’ve been able to learn and grow and shape who I AM through you guys. I’ve been able to share my thoughts and feelings and know that I’m okay. That it’s okay to be angry at someone for a season when they totally destroy your life, as my ex-husband did. And a lot of my healing process of that divorce, came through this blog.
Just being able to get my feelings out and know that I wasn’t alone in my thinking. That I wasn’t alone in feeling that way, and definitely that I wasn’t alone in going through that.
A lot of my healing process happened as a result of getting all that out and hearing your comments and reading your stories. It’s been an amazing journey…one that nothing can replace and I thank you!
3) You talk too much
Oh MY GOODNESS…if I had a penny for every time my mom told me I talk too much, I’d be RICH….RICH I TELL YOU! How do you like me now, mom? 😉 You were right, I talk too much, and apparently people like it. LOL.
If you find yourself talking too much, for the love of Pete, get it all out and start a blog. For you, blogging will come naturally, because you can talk about anything. You have stuff to share, people to help, and wisdom to get out of you on onto that screen.
Share it with the world!
ESPECIALLY if you feel like what you have to say is important, but none of your friends seem to care! It doesn’t mean that what you have to say is not important! It just means, you’re sharing that stuff with the wrong people. And there are lots of people out there, who WILL genuinely want to hear what you have to say. They will see the value in what you say. They will connect with you and follow you. Share your knowledge with them. Find those people that want to listen to you and just talk to them like they are your best friends.
4) You wanna leave a legacy
Whether you realize it or not, basically everything online is there FOR-EVER! I was searching the internet a few months ago and found out that even the NEWSLETTERS I write are online for all to see forever in a time warp machine. I couldn’t believe it. Newsletters that people have to sign up to access are literally online. Every single publication since I started….no pressure there! 😛
Your blog is online in a time warp machine, so to speak, for all of eternity, and while it’s a little daunting, it’s also cool. If I died today and my kids decided not to renew this blog and continue it, it would STILL be online, whatever I’ve written thus far forever.
Think about that…my words, my story, who I AM is online forever….it makes me want to cry. It’s a BEAUTIFUL legacy that my kids, my grand-kids (when the time comes), and all future generations can look back and see who I am, how I lived, how I spoke, how I loved others and God. It’s all there in black and white. It’s the ultimate scrapbook you can make for your kids.
To me, that’s just amazing! My words, my heart, can live on forever!
5) You make a lot of mistakes
Here’s the thing….most people think they shouldn’t start a blog because they are not perfect, their words are not perfect, their blog is not perfect, when nothing could be farther from the truth!
Embrace your mistakes.
I feel like, when I make a mistake and I admit it to people, it makes them like me better. I think they can relate to me more.
Bloggers are not perfect. You can’t compare your real life with their controlled content. Most people aren’t going to put their mistakes out there for the world to see. When I take a picture of a recipe for the blog and the pictures come out gorgeous, what you DON’T see is the table those beautiful recipes are on. A table my kids never wash and it drives me nuts. Food stains everywhere because they are lazy and I gave up long ago trying to get them to wash it every day.
You don’t see that. You see a gorgeous recipe and I feel like it’s important for us blogger to show who we REALLY are, mistakes and all. Because while we may have a killer blog, at the end of the day, we are JUST LIKE YOU…we mess up, we makes mistakes, we fail. AND IT’S okay!
We pick ourselves back up and go on to a new day.
Ready to sign up? Starting a blog is super easy and literally takes less than 5 minutes to do. Click here to get the best deal available online through Bluehost when you take that step, along with a full tutorial and video to help you get started. Please note: this low offer is the absolute lowest pricing they offer online. I wish it were this cheap when I started MY blog!
Right now, you can get hosting as low at $3.49! They have you pay upfront and yes, you absolutely WANT to do that, so you don’t lose your domain name forever. It’s yours and no one can take it from you for as long as you purchase it in advance (I have 9 years on SarahTitus.com!)
The pricing is as follows:
- $3.49 for 36 months –> $125.64 (so cheap seriously! I pay that for ONE month on my blog now because my blog is so big; I’m jealous. LOL)
- $3.95 for 24 months –> $94.80 (great deal!)
- $4.95 for 12 months –> $59.40 (but I wouldn’t recommend this one because I see no point in starting up a blog if you’re just going to do it for a year and these prices next year WILL GO UP! Better to pay less now all at once).
Remember that you MUST click HERE in order to get this special deal and I’m not just saying that. Do your homework. The deal isn’t available everywhere. They’ve given me special pricing for a limited time to pass on to you!