Have you ever felt like…you’re in a hamster wheel? You try and try and try some more and you just never get ahead.
All your hard work, what is it amounting to?
Your pageviews and blog traffic aren’t growing that much.
Your pageviews suck and you just wanna give up.
Throw in the towel. Quit. Done. Finito.
I’ve been there before. It’s not a fun place to be. And if you’re reading this and going through the same thing that I did, I’m sorry. I feel for you.
Sometimes it feels like you’ll never get to where you wanna be. But today, I want to give you hope!
Your Pageviews Suck and You Wanna Give Up
In 2012, there were 51 million websites launched. It’s said that NOW, in 2017, it’s about 300-500 websites every MINUTE. That’s 262,800,000 new sites every year!
The likelihood of YOU making it as a blogger, is literally one in 262 million!
I don’t want you to just become a stat.
The last blog that bit the dust that no one ever got a chance to read. Not if this is your dream!
Because your dreams are worth. fighting. for!
What I’ve learned is that, it doesn’t matter if your pageviews suck and your growing your blog traffic yet.
Let’s say you’re a blogger with 50,000 unique visitors a month. You’re over there feeling bad about how other bloggers have more than you and you aren’t a good enough blogger and should just quit.
Trust me, those feelings happen to ALL bloggers from time to time, even the pro-bloggers out there crushing it (myself included).
But when you think about it, how many other bloggers out there, of that 262 million that just launched this year alone, HAVE 50,000 pageviews?
The problem is, you’re looking at the best of the best in the blogger world and feeling bad, you’re not looking at the whole SCOPE of bloggers. You’re not looking at the big picture!
Here’s what it comes down to…
You feel bad and you shouldn’t. You should be proud!
Here’s what I want you to do.
I want you to imagine, that you’re on stage of your local arena. The number of people you have visiting your blog each month represents the size of the crowd.
If you have 50,000 people there that night in the arena, dang GIRRRLLLL, you are KILLIN’ it! If you have even 5,000 in the crowd, that is a LOT! Do you have 10,000 people? 20,000?
The point is that all those people are there for YOU.
They see what is inside of you and they like it. They come back. Instead of thinking about the size of someone else’s crowd and how you want to have more, let that image of your OWN crowd permeate your brain.
So often, we underestimate and undervalue ourselves. I wanna show you another way. I want you to see that you ARE worth it. That what you ARE ALREADY doing has value and meaning to so many people. Whether a little or a lot isn’t the point, the point is that you are out there doing something for yourself that MOST PEOPLE DON’T do and I highly respect that!
I’m proud of you for that.
Most people sit on the couch and complain about how they WISH their lives were better, but never make a single change to make it happen. They use excuses like, “I don’t have enough time.” “No one will like me.” “What will I talk about?” “Who will listen to me?” And they let their own fears control their lives.
But that’s not you!
You’re out there kicking butt and taking names, and I respect that.
Don’t undervalue what YOU do or what YOU bring to the table. Each and every one of us is called to a purpose. When we are fulfilling that purpose, we are the most joyful. Don’t let these feelings ROB YOU of that joy that is YOURS.
Do what you’re meant to do, don’t worry about the results.
The results belong to God, not you. And whether He gives you a little or a lot, it doesn’t matter. You just keep doing you. Keep doing what you’re called to do. Enjoy that joy and don’t let anyone else take it away!
Now that you can see the BIG picture, instead of just focusing on a small remnant of the blogging world to compare yourself to, if you want to grow by leaps and bounds, and really take your blog to the next level, you need another set of incredibly skilled eyes on your blog.
If you’d like me to do that for you in a very personalized way, I currently offer Blog Optimization Critiques. I scour over your website and all social media, looking at absolutely everything. Then, I send over a detailed report of how you can make more money, grow blog traffic, and brand your website better. If you are tired of running on the hamster wheel, you need personalized help, and I’m here for you.