I’ve been through a LOT of rough times. All throughout my life, you could literally just pick an age of my life and I could tell you the horrible things I’ve had to deal with.
Being bullied as a child, mocked, teased, picked on.
Watching my grandpa die in the hospital.
My mom trying to murder me when I was a child.
She ending up killing herself a few years ago.
And let’s not forget being homeless. That was a fun one. Going through my ex-husband abandoning us, him having affairs and babies with other women (yes, multiple women, multiple kids).
The time one of these women showed up at my door threatening to harm me.
Or the past several years dealing with ongoing challenges—someone lying about their feelings publicly while showing a completely different story in private. Trusting that God has shown me the path forward, waiting for clarity, resolution, and God’s perfect timing to clear up the mess and prove my innocence and integrity.
Trusting in the promises of God, waiting for His perfect timing to clear my good name to the world—that I’m NOT lying in the situation and, even more than that, that I’m not wrong.
Pick one, any one of them. 🙂
The fact that I’m even still STANDING here is a testimony there IS a God.
And while I cannot (and will not) say that my faith is perfect or that I’ve come to perfect faith, as no one is perfect in any way here on Earth, I will say that I’m a lot better at having faith than I used to be. And I think that is the point!
50 Free Christian Journal Prompts to Strengthen Your Faith
I think God allows things in our lives, for multiple reasons, but for one reason to grow us in a more Christ-like image.
I’ve had PLENTY of practice training ground, I tell ya what! haha.
Faith is something that comes with refining you. You start out with this baby-sized faith, so to speak, and over time, you grow in the knowledge and understanding of the Lord and you acquire more faith as you go.
Strengthening your faith is super important because bad times come. They come all the time and they come for everyone (the rain falls on the saved and the unsaved – Matthew 5:45).
When those hard times come, we MUST strengthen our faith in God to get us through. To know that if He promises something, He WILL make it come to pass. Think of how long Abraham waited for his promise. Or David, how long HE waited to become king.
Strengthening our faith is so vital to our Christian walk. Without it, we crash and burn and fall away. We don’t want that!
So today, let’s look at some journal prompts that you can deep dive into and restore your faith!
- When was a time in your life when Christ brought you through something you thought you’d never make it through? Describe what He did, what the situation was, how He helped, and how you got through it.
- What is a Scripture verse that you can memorize right now that you can recite to yourself, in your mind, anytime you are feeling weak in your faith?
- When you block out all the noise of the world, when you get completely alone, what is it that God is convicting your heart of right this moment?
- When was the last time God took a bad situation in your life and turned it out for your good? What happened? How was it better in the end?
- When do you feel the closest to God? What are you doing when you feel close to Him? Where are you at when you feel close?
- What’s the one thing in Heaven you look forward to the most?
- What is a good song that you can listen to on repeat that strengthens your faith? Here’s mine. 🙂
- Go to the Psalms in the Bible and find one that talks about peace or joy and read through it and make it your prayer for today.
- What person in the Bible do you know of that strengthens your faith? Why do they strengthen your faith? How did THEY handle the situation they were called to have faith in?
- Write a Scripture verse 10 times that makes you feel strong and courageous.
- What do you think God wants you to learn through the trial that you’re going through now?
- Is God asking you to change anything in your life right now?
- What is your top priority to do today for the Kingdom of God?
- What are you most thankful for today (3 things)?
- Is God trying to get your attention about something right now?
- What’s the number 1 struggle in your life that you want to overcome?
- Is there a sermon you can listen to right now about strengthening your faith?
- How about a book you can read on faith?
- Pray that God will remove your unbelief and increase your faith.
- What one thing can you focus on learning about God to deepen your knowledge of Him?
- The joy of the Lord is…
- What does it mean to be grounded in faith?
- What is one thing you can do right now to encourage yourself?
- Where does faith come from?
- What is an animal God created that is strong and courageous? What traits does the animal have?
- What one thing can you lift off yourself and set at the feet of Christ today?
- Who can you ask to pray for you when you are weak in faith?
- What is something positive that you love about your life?
- I love it when my kids…
- I love it when my husband…
- What is a time in your life when God provided for you financially?
- What is your favorite Bible verse? Why do you like it so much?
- What’s something that scares you? How are you going to stop being afraid of it? Make a plan!
- What is the best thing God has ever done for you?
- How do you think God can use your current suffering situation to help strengthen someone else?
- What is something you can do today to grow closer to God in?
- What can you do today to increase your peace about a situation?
- What are you most thankful for in your life?
- What unexpected moment this month, turned out to be a blessing in disguise?
- Who are you most thankful for?
- What can you do today to let one thing out of your control and entrust it fully to Jesus?
- Are you spending 30 minutes each day with God?
- When was the last time you read your Bible, before today?
- What are the 5 things you value most in your life?
- What one person do you know of that has gone through a similar situation that you are facing today?
- What is a way that you can get super alone and really listen intensely to the Holy Spirit convict you to have more faith?
- What has been the biggest accomplishment in your life and how did God help you achieve it?
- How has God asked you to get out of your comfort zone this year in order that He grow your faith?
- What’s something you’ve been told was impossible but through God’s grace, you accomplished it?
- What’s the best thing that has happened to you this week?