When the whole world went nuts with Covid, there were so many people around you who felt like God wasn’t there anymore, like He just left us on our own. But you’re a Christian, you’ve read the Bible and so you know God never leaves us (Deuteronomy 31:6). The alternative that you were left with is that God is there, He doesn’t leave, but since He’s sovereign, He’s allowing this all to happen.
People got sick.
Some died.
It affected our whole lives, some good and some bad. Changes in the world allowed your bitterness and anger toward God to grow and the isolation of suddenly not having a church, fed your depression.
Life goes on and you pretend like you’re okay. But when you go to the grocery store and see prices 3x what they were 2 years ago, it stings. It feeds your anger.
You’re upset. Even though you cover it.
Why is God sitting there doing nothing? Why do bills continue to skyrocket out of control. Your finances, your world, it’s all changed.
Things are not as easy as they once were, swimming downstream. Now everything’s an uphill battle and since you’re mad at God, you are in a hopeless position, indeed.
See, there’s always bad in the world. It’s always chaotic. It’s always greedy. It’s always selfish. People always murder and are full of strife. Only now, it affects you. You see it first hand. It confronts you face to face and stares at you relentlessly.
But the answer isn’t for God to save you or suddenly make things okay. No…
It’s a test of our faith.
Are you going to follow this Jesus you so adamantly were sold out to three years ago? Or when the wind comes, will you forsake God?
Listen, the problem isn’t Him forsaking US…it’s US forsaking HIM. We’ve turned our backs on God, we’ve failed the test. We’ve forgotten Him.
You are never going to get out of this mess, sitting there stewing in your sin, angry at God. And anger at God IS sin because we know He is perfect.
YOU failed Him, He never failed you. And we need to take ownership of that and tell Him we’re sorry and come back to Him.
Until you align your heart, thoughts, motives, and will up to His, you’ll never understand what He’s doing amidst the chaos around us.
Not only that, but you’re acting like a non-Christian right now, and believe me when I say, all those friends you were trying to save all those years are mocking you right now behind your back.
Why would they listen to you about a God you’re angry at? They’re angry too and you’re not showing them any solution.
So humble yourself, admit you’re wrong, ask God for forgiveness, tell Him you’ll do whatever He wants and go wherever He leads you. Submit to His will. Stop sulking and see things from HIS angle.
Because the truth is, you can pretend you’ve got it all together to the world and they may buy your illusion, but the Lord God Almighty DOESN’T!!!
He knows how you’re feeling. He knows you’re angry, hurt, upset, in pain, suffering. So tell Him (in a respectful way). Tell Him how you feel, He already knows but He wants to rekindle that relationship with you. Tell Him you don’t know how to fix it and watch Him let you back into the fold, wrap His arms around you in amazing grace, and lead you back to the woman you’re supposed to be, the woman you were before you walked off His perfect path.
Get back on track by spending time with your Father every day, submersed in His Word. Grab your copy of my Bible Reading Plan here and every day, be sure to check off SOMEthing on that list. Not out of duty or obligation, but because you want to rekindle that FIRE for God you once had. Download it here.