I got asked this week how to sell in a genuine way. She said, “I couldn’t handle the bombardment of self-promotion. I even unfollowed some of my closest acquaintances because I felt they were selling themselves out for profit. I get it; we all have bills to pay, and these online business models can be wildly profitable, but I couldn’t tolerate it.”
Are there non-boastful less self-promoting ways to sell?
Today, we’re going to be tackling that question!
Are There Non-Boastful, Less Self Promoting Ways to Sell?
This was the best email I received this week…and I’ve received a LOT of AH-MAZING emails this week! Truly! It was one of the most fruitful weeks and I’m so pleased with all your emails. But I loved this sooo much b/c it’s sooo true!
I mean, here you see the heart of the woman writing in. She’s sick and tired of seeing all this self promotion and screaming and wants to sell in a more honorable way. And I get it!
How many people out there do you see absolutely SCREAMING to get your attention. And they do…they get the attention, they make the money, but in the end of it all, what does that matter?
What does it matter if you make $5 trillion dollars in this world and it all CRUMBLES and when you meet your God, you have absolutely NOTHING?!?!?!?!
No, GENUINE believers are different. We’re not OUT THERE screaming our bloody heads off. We’re focusing the attention on Christ. Listen to this AMAZING song by Casting Crowns! #lovethem
How can we separate our lives out like that?
Make a successful business (who cares!) but never talk about why we’re REALLY here! 1 Peter 4:10-11
Listen, I can’t judge them or their hearts. They answer to God alone, not me, but it DOES bother me! Like nails on a chalkboard, it bothers me.
I do not care if I lose my entire business. I don’t care if I am not successful at all. I don’t care if I end up homeless AGAIN. I will not stop focusing ALL of my attention, my heart, my soul, AND my online business to God. I will talk about God in season and out of season, meaning, whether it’s popular or NOT! 2 Timothy 4:2
So how does a Christian sell?
By focusing on God and the people you serve.
Within that post above, it goes into topics like…
- Your email list isn’t about YOU, it’s about THEM
- Focus on the audience, not the numbers
- Be willing to stand for your beliefs
- Treat your list like family
- Don’t sell
- How to sell
- Be relevant
- Focus on getting them where you want them to go, let them do the rest
Listen, I’ve only got one life to live and so do you.
Every second counts and for every second I want my life pointed toward the reason I’m here: GOD. The amazingly AWESOME and POWERFUL God!
The two biggest people in my life who are called to serve in this ministry in such MASSIVELY HUGE ways, don’t know this. They can’t see it.
For “Hur” – she is the Lord’s anointed also, along with me and another. She was working on this team for a very long time but has not been doing what God wants her to do. She’s been shirking her responsibility toward building His temple (this blog) for a long time, according to God. I didn’t see it until He showed me and recently, she completely walked away from her calling (this team)!!!!!!!
I was in shock…to say the least!
He has given her authority and anointed her to BE “Hur” and yet, she left. I was so confused and so when she left, I immediately started praying and God convicted that He had expelled her temporarily due to her sin and lack of repentance. It is part of His greater plan to globally disperse those who are in disobedience. Therefore, since she has refused to repent, even after hearing the truth, she is subject to more punishment and judgment (as we ALL are when we sin IF we do not confess our sin, turn from it and make it right) BECAUSE God is holy. He is not to be mocked.
For “Aaron” – in his sin, he has not wanted to serve this entire time. He wants to live a mundane, average life that is preoccupied with selfishness and not with God. While spending time with your family and loving your wife so immensely is a very GOOD and noble and RIGHT pursuit (and finding a guy like that is truly unheard of! ), it is NOT to be our whole life.
Family IS important. It’s the cornerstone of society and it pleases God, but it is not WHY we are here. God didn’t place me here to have kids or a husband or family. Remember that when God first made Adam, He created him and it wasn’t until later that He saw he needed a helper that He created Eve. God’s original creation….WAS…just Adam. Eve came later. How much later? We’re not told, but it wasn’t at the same time as man, that we can be sure of. Genesis 2:7-22.
We MUST look at life how GOD sees it, not through our own worldly eyes!!!
Family is the earthly blessing and treasure we get, but that’s not our OBJECTIVE in life. My objective in life is to serve Him whole-heartedly with all my mind, soul, body, and spirit (Matthew 22:37; John 14:15).
I am here for YOU. I am a servant to the people and THIS is my life’s work. THIS is what God has called me to do.
This week, I came across that song by Casting Crowns and the sermon a few days later was preached at Parkside Church was the sermon above.
This is how God is working!
Think about it…
- God had to stir up the spirit inside of the preacher.
- He had to cause events to happen so that just at the point when the person was most ready to listen, they WOULD hear it, ensuring that God’s Word did not return to Him void.
- He caused them to listen to it.
- And then God went to work on convicting their heart and making them see all of this.
God is NOT lazy, okay! HE is working hard and therefore, if we want to be like God, then we are to work hard likewise. Does that mean we work ourselves to the bone? Absolutely not. It is a peaceful, restful, CONSISTENT working for Him.
Share this song and sermon with your friends. Share this blog post on your feeds. Share this message because it’s so vital that we see God as He IS, rather than through our limited, finite and frail, fallen minds.
We are NOT here for ourselves.
That means we sell different.
We live different.
We ARE different!
God says, “Unlike the hardworking people who have charge over their work, the lazy are eventually forced to go to work for the diligent to survive.” It means that I am here, working hard, no matter if and when everyone else leaves me, I am here. I continue to be here, working hard, but God will judge them and punish their sin and it sounds like it is through finances (which was later confirmed to be true by both of them).
We show we are Christian IF we continue in His word. THEN we prove we are true disciples of Him. John 8:31 Is “Hur” proving she’s a legit Christian. No! Not right now. Is she helping to build the “temple” (this blog ministry)? No! We are to build this ministry for you guys and God is in our midst. We are His people. This is the kingdom of the Lord, through covenant (I have no idea WHAT that part means about the kingdom and covenant, but it’s God’s words, not mine!) I suspect it has something to do with Abraham or David in the Bible??, though I do not know and I do not know if I will ever know this side of Heaven. I can only speculate what God means by that.
Point is, we are His people. Point is, He’s chosen us. Point is, this blog IS HIS TEMPLE! This is HIS ministry.
And we prove we are legit Christians if we continue. Because of that, I know “Hur” will be back. Why? Because she will be punished through finances (and whatever else God decides) until she does. If she is a genuine believer (and I believe she is through my knowing her personally and through God ordaining her in this ministry in the first place), she will be back.
But here’s the thing, we ALL fail and mess up. You know what I mean? We ALL walk away from God. When God first told me He wanted to make me like Moses, I ran away! I didn’t want it. That was 7 years ago and I came around after a little while and now I beg for it, just like He said I would. I WANT to do this ministry!!! But we all fall short! Romans 3:23
It’s not our job to pretend we are all perfect. This team is NOT perfect. I am NOT perfect. But I promise you, I beat my body into submission and I run my GUTS OUT to run the race set before me, the high calling of Jesus Christ.
Many online will come along and say, “Oh, I’m Christian”…but look at their fruit! When everyone online is saying they are Christian, the Bible calls them a liar!
How? The Bible says FEW (Matthew 7:14). And the FEW, genuine ones, aren’t out there making a name for themselves or screaming to get attention. They are not out there seeking out fame for themselves or trying to be rich. They are serving and working hard, focused solely on Christ. God blesses that in abundance!
Think of Kirk Cameron and how he started out…an atheist. His future wife, Chelsea, introduced him to God and it was in hearing a sermon being preached that convicted his soul so much that he gave his life to God. Look at him now, how awesome he’s doing for the Lord in Hollywood. Everyone in Hollywood is not Christian, even though many say they are when asked. There are FEW genuine believers.
Think about my life and how I was homeless and lost it all and now have two empires that are so successful you wouldn’t believe me if I told you. It’s not because I’m seeking fame or money, it’s because I’m seeking GOD. I’m sold out to Him ALONE and He BLESSES THAT obedience and heart desire in abundance.
Does that mean every genuine believer is someone famous? No. It surely doesn’t. God appoints us all to different things, tasks, and missions (1 Corinthians 12:12-31) BUT…every true believer who is not on milk (which yes, the Bible says is a huge diss if someone is on milk and are not new converts. 1 Corinthians 3:1-3), will have a strong desire to be the person God wants us to be. And that is working hard for HIS Kingdom, not our own.
There are people out there working hard for God. They are doing all they can do and God blesses them for that! That is awesome!!
But there are some lazy Christians (God’s words, not mine) who will say, “Yeah but I’m serving my family all day. I don’t have time to serve.” Listen, it’s an excuse. We ALLLLL get 24 hours in a day. We ALLLLL have family to take care of. The Proverbs 31 woman had family too and took care of them, but didn’t stop THERE! If you want to become more like the Proverbs 31 woman, here’s my trick of how to do it. I was asked recently how I’ve done it (a great honor that someone saw that in me!!! ) and so I wrote it here in this blog post.
Listen, we are responsible for more!
It doesn’t mean you have to work hard and get out there and serve whole-heartedly THIS SECOND.
But it DOES mean that you are heading in that direction.
Stop busying yourself over STUPID stuff, yeah, I said it…STUPID! Stuff that doesn’t matter: empty dreams, selfishness, wood, hay, and stubble. Things like seeking out fame and fortune or even good things done but with the wrong heart motive, for example. James 3:16
Point your life toward getting out of the mundane, the busyness of life, and start serving, begging God to use you. If you blog and you are a genuine believer and you are not talking about God on your blog, talk to God about that. Because I feel like it’s bad and here’s one place I get that idea from 1 Peter 4:10-11. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe it’s different for each individual or maybe you are new to the faith and not courageous yet to speak about Him, but talk to God about it. Let Him convict you or not. It’s between you and Him but it seems like such a waste to just make money for yourself and not even tell the audience GOD HAS given you anything about God. It seems careless. First fruits also come to mind here. He gives you an audience, and you don’t give Him back the first fruits. First fruits don’t just apply to money. Proverbs 3:9-10; James 3:13-17 with emphasis on vs. 17.
Who CARES if we have more than we need here on Earth? WHO CARES! The world. You are not OF the world. So stop chasing everything THEY do. You are different. You are called for a purpose. You are God’s child and He has way more in store for you than meaningless money and fame. Wood, hay, and stubble.
Let the words of the song and sermon in this post wash over your hearts. Let it truly change you. Let it show you there’s more in life than what you’re doing now and no one is exempt. Not EVEN the single mom trying to balance it all. I am a single mom and I do it!! So there is literally no excuse, not to God.
We must be a people of Jesus Christ. We MUST BE different than the world. BE different!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!