Are you discouraged?
So many people are always telling us what we can and can’t do. They say…
- you’re not smart enough
- you don’t have enough education
- you can’t figure it out
- you don’t know what you’re doing
- you lack physical ability
The truth is that we can’t listen to them.
Because it DOESN’T MATTER how smart you are or not, or how much education you have or not, none of that matters.
You wanna know what matters?
If it’s His will, ain’t NOTHING gonna stop it and if it’s NOT His will, nothing can make it happen. (Job 42:2)
Today, I want you to be encouraged.
Don’t listen to anyone else; put all the thoughts and voices in your head of what people are telling you aside, and RUN to the One whose words DO matter…God’s, and remember this, we can do ALL things THROUGH Christ, who strengthens us. The Bible doesn’t say, we can do “some” things, or a “few” things…it says ALL things.
Want proof?
They all said I’d never make it (my mom, my Pastor, my own friends)…yet here I stand…only through the POWER of Christ.
If your situation looks hopeless, GOOD. This is when God can truly work! 💎
You gotta know that if you’re Christian, God is about to blow it up….He does this to show HIS POWER to the world. He takes us from very low to super high in an instant to display 👉His👈 power. It’s that dramatic change that glorifies HIM and not us.
Hold on my friend, hold tight through the storm, even if it feels like you’ll never make it…you CAN do it! I’m living proof!
Wanna be reminded of that truth every DAY???
Here’s some cool wallpaper for your devices to keep this all fresh in your mind, because we all need to be reminded of this reality every single day! Check it out below!!! 💖
Facebook Wallpaper:
Android/iPhone Wallpaper:
Laptop/Computer Wallpaper:
Need to learn how to set backgrounds on your devices? Check out the full tutorial here.