Lately I’ve really been thinking about the words in the Bible.
I mean, that sounds a little weird, right? We always think about the words in the Bible, but I mean to break them down into ONE word. Focusing and learning the Bible one verse at a time, ONE word at a time within that verse and really diving deep into the meaning of each word.
Oftentimes I’ll look up a passage in the King James Version, as it’s the oldest version. The NASB is also a good translation of the literal text, so sometimes I’ll hop over to that version.
I’ll think to myself, “What is a Christian word? What makes it a Christian word? Where does it come from, the root of it?”
All these things have been swirling around in my mind this week and so I wanted to make an ultimate list of Christian words that start with A-Z and challenge myself to see how many I could come up with, how many there were.
I was actually, pretty pleasantly surprised!!! 🥳
There’s a lot more Christian words than I anticipated!
Here’s what I came up with…
Christian Words That Start with A-Z
The first word I wanted to share with you is actually a symbol, not a word. It’s the Christian fish symbol. Have you ever wondered where it came from or why Christians use it?
It’s a fascinating story. Goes like this…
The Bible times were dangerous times. Just letting someone know you’re a Christian, can lead to death.
There are lots of stories about Christians being persecuted. Saul, before he became Paul was persecuting Christians in his legalism. King Herod wanted to destroy baby Jesus. Nero often tortured and killed Christians and used their bodies to light his entertaining parties. Disgusting.
So just telling someone you were a believer can lead to death, but Christians want to connect with other believers and know they are in safe company, so when strangers would meet, maybe they were traveling or walking along a road, they’d draw the Christian fish symbol in the dirt.
It was a secret symbol that only believers knew what it meant. So they could know who is a believer and who isn’t and meet other Christians and be safe.
There’s a lot more words here to really have fun studying out as well.
Take some time to look over the list. What’s your FAVORITE word, if you could only pick ONE?
I think my favorite word would be angel. They are so fascinating, always doing the will of God. So amazing. I can’t wait to meet some angels when I get to Heaven and work along side of them for the glory of God! How ’bout you?! 🥰
Christian Words That Start with A
- Abba
- Angel
- Abundance
- Accountable
- Almighty
- Apocalypse
- Armor
- Adoption
- Ascension
- Abraham
- Anxiety
- Aaron
- Ark
- Anointed
- Atonement
- Adam
- Amen
- Apostle
- Anger
- Acceptance
Christian Words That Start with B
- Bible
- Blessing
- Birth
- Babel
- Baptism
- Book of Life
- Blood
- Beginning
- Born Again
- Blameless
- Build
- Beast
- Burning Bush
- Boaz
- Believe
- Baby
- Breastplate
- Brother
Christian Words That Start with C
- Christ
- Chosen
- Church
- Conception
- Consecrate
- Christian
- Crown
- Cost
- Conscience
- Cup
- Cornerstone
- Curse
- Corinth
- Communion
- Cupbearer
- Covenant
- Comfort
- Cross
- Creation
- Compassion
- Children
- Calling
- Content
- Crucifixion
Christian Words That Start with D
- Deliverance
- Damascus
- Denial
- David
- Dream
- Demon
- Doctrine
- Disciple
- Devil
- Depart
- Dove
- Doers of the Word
- Daniel
Christian Words That Start with E
- Eve
- Evil
- Esther
- Escape
- Exalt
- Examination
- Everlasting Life
- Ezra
- Elijah
- Eternity
- Eagle
- Exile
- Endure
- Elder
- Empty
Christian Words That Start with F
- Father
- Follower
- Family
- Flesh
- Freedom
- Faith
- Feast
- Fasting
- Flood
- Firstborn
- Fisher (of men)
- Fig Tree
- Forgive
- Found
- Fruit of the Spirit
- Fellowship
- Fleece
Christian Words That Start with G
- God
- Grace
- Gospel
- Giving
- Godly
- Galilee
- Gideon
- Goodness
- Giant
- Gifts (of God)
- Glory
Christian Words That Start with H
- Harp
- Healer
- Holy
- Honest
- Helmet
- Hell
- Herod
- High Priest
- Helper
- Hearers of the Word
- Honor
- Hosea
- Honey (milk and honey)
- Hope
- Humble
- Heaven
- Holy Spirit
- Hypocrite
Christian Words That Start with I
- Isaiah
- Idolatry
- Immanuel
- Isaac
- Incarnation
- Intercessory Prayer
- Israel
Christian Words That Start with J
- Jesus
- Jericho
- John
- Joy
- Jonah
- Jerusalem
- Jeremiah
- Jehovah
- Jacob
- Journey
- Joseph
- Judah
- Justice
- Joshua
- Judgment
- Job
Christian Words That Start with K
- King
- Kingdom
- Kind
Christian Words That Start with L
- Love
- Lukewarm
- Lebanon
- Lamp
- Lord
- Law
- Legalistic
- Light
- Lamb
- Life
- Living Water
- Luke
- Locusts
- Lord’s Prayer
- Leavened
- Land
- Lost
Christian Words That Start with M
- Mercy
- Mother
- Mary
- Moses
- Manna
- Mediator
- Ministry
- Mouth of God
- Meek
- Matthew
- Manger
- Master
- Missionary
- Mark
- Miracle
- Martha
- Milk and Honey
Christian Words That Start with N
- Narrow Gate
- Nebuchadnezzar
- Nourish
- Nativity
- Nehemiah
- Noah
- Nineveh
- Naomi
Christian Words That Start with O
- Obey
- Omnipresent
- Orphan
- Omniscient
- Omega
- Omnipotent
Christian Words That Start with P
- Psalm
- Pure
- Praise
- Promised Land
- Peter
- Prayer
- Promises
- Pentecost
- Proverbs
- Paul
- Plagues
- Patience
- Potter
- Pharaoh
- Prophet
- Parables
- Protect
- Persevere
- Priest
- Propitiation
- Passover
- Pastor
- Prodigal
- Powerful
- Peace
- Persecution
Christian Words That Start with Q
- Queen
Christian Words That Start with R
- Rabbi
- Rejoice
- Refreshing
- Reconciliation
- Redeemed
- Rain
- Remember
- Ransom
- Rainbow
- Resurrection
- Righteous
- Recompense
- Rome
- Refuge
- Revelation
- Reap
- Rock
- Rebekah
- Repent
- Ruth
Christian Words That Start with S
- Sabbath
- Shepherd
- Sin
- Scripture
- Solomon
- Steadfast
- Steward
- Sacrifice
- Sovereign
- Saul
- Savior
- Samson
- Star
- Storm
- Satan
- Sand
- Samuel
- Sow
- Spirit
- Sword
- Servant
- Sanctuary
- Sarah
- Sinai
- Sister
- Sheep
- Slave
- Sign
- Shield
- Strength
- Salvation
- Sanctification
Christian Words That Start with T
- Tabernacle
- Tithe
- Triumphant
- Timothy
- Trial
- Ten Commandments
- Theology
- Transgression
- Trust
- Temple
- Thankful
- Treasure
- Titus
- Trumpet
- Travel
- Testimony
- Temptation
- Trustworthy
- Testing
- Trinity
Christian Words That Start with U
- Unity
- Unleavened
- Unfaithful
- Uriah
Christian Words That Start with V
- Vanity
- Vineyard
- Vindication
- Vine
Christian Words That Start with W
- Water (living water)
- Worship
- Waves
- Widow
- Wise
- Wages (of sin)
- Wind
- Wrath
- Wide Gate
- Worldly
Christian Words That Start with X
- Xerxes
- Xristos (Luke 23:35; Greek word that means Christ, Anointed One, or Messiah)
Christian Words That Start with Y
- Yoke
- Yahweh
Christian Words That Start with Z
- Ziklag
- Zerubbabel
- Zion
- Zacchaeus