When God first led me to start the blog, I laughed at Him.
When He first showed me to take steps to be a public speaker, I ran from Him.
I thought He was insane. I’m shy; I’m in no way worthy. “I don’t want that life,” I told Him.
But God is always right.
It’s ironic how today, I cry into my pillow begging Him to make me a public speaker, out of a great desire to help others.
In my head, I can see the life He wants me to live and while as I write this I surely am very far away from being that woman, I know that one day it will happen.
Maybe in 20 years, who knows. I don’t know all the steps to take or even my next one. I don’t know what to do in many circumstances.
But I do know that God gives us the desires of our hearts, and that my desires have changed.
I know that wherever it is that God is leading me, is going to be great….because I desperately want to be used by Him to make a difference in the world. To show people His love. To carry their burdens. To be a friend to the hurting. I don’t need to travel the world to do that; there are so many hurting in my own backyard.
My plea to God is simply this: Use me Lord. I’m willing.
👉 Because everything else, every other decision, every other thought, falls by the wayside in comparison to that.
Are you willing to make that same plea to Him?
Are you simply willing to go where He calls you?
To let HIM alone lead your life?
It’s not an easy choice to decide, but for the Christian, we must not get so wrapped up in THIS world and our own selfish preoccupations, that we FORGET about HIS world, His will, His love for others that He wants to disperse through US…His chosen people.