Do you know for SURE they are a scammer? I’ve seen a lot of people have sad stories and they are turned away, mocked, rejected. In fact, before I became homeless, I posted in a Facebook group asking for help with information. I didn’t know where to go or what to do and most of the people heard my story (a genuine one) and said I was a scammer. What scam I was trying to pull, I have no idea???
I think that right now in our culture, people call out “scammer” so quickly without really trying to HEAR the story or the person, because it justifies their own actions to NOT help!
In their mind, if they say it’s a scammer, they’re off the hook, so to speak, and they don’t have to help them. It’s a justification of unkindness, so they can go on, continue being a “good person”, all while being a complete jerk.
Even if someone IS a scammer, we do not haze them, bully them, be mean to them, or anything like that. It’s rude and mean and not acceptable behavior for anyone, much less a believer. Matthew 10:16.
I’ve seen people ganged up on, written about in such uncaring ways, and just being really MEAN toward the person in need.
If they are in need or not, that is between them and God. Yes, we should be smart and not be taken, but there are people out there who AREN’T scammers who are being treated as such. I know because I was one!
The Proverbs 31 woman stretches her hand out to the poor. She’s STRETCHING it. She’s LOOKING FOR, reaching out to find opportunities to serve and help others (Proverbs 31:20).
This isn’t a woman who, reads a story online and helps. This is a woman who is proactively seeking out the poor in order to help them in ways that she can. It’s a completely different mentality.
We justify our turning people away. She’s out there SEEKING to serve others.
Another thing I see people doing is throwing Bible verses out. Someone says I need food and another person, I dare not call them a believer, spouts out some verse, the Lord will take care of your needs. And that’s it.
Throwing a Bible verse at someone who is hurting, is cruel! It is exactly what is spoken of in Luke 11:11. They are asking for help and while yes, the Bible IS the answer to all of life’s problems (2 Timothy 3:16), all you’re doing is making them hate the gospel because of your lack of love and spiteful, indignant attitude toward someone. It’s Pharisaical behavior and should never occur.
This is not the love of Jesus. This is pompous, arrogant, unbefitting behavior by someone who is most likely NOT saved!!! We need to realize that Jesus came and died for this person, just as much as He did for YOU! You are not any better than them, whether because you have stable finances or because you think you’re saved and they are not (Luke 18:9-14).
Any time we are looking down on another person, for any reason, we must look inside ourselves and immediately know we are in great sin!
So if you are struggling with someone throwing Bible verses at you when you are needing compassion and help, just know, they are most likely not even saved and this is NOT the love of Christ! 💯
If you see a scammer, and you genuinely have taken the time to determine they are indeed a scammer, then just ignore it. Don’t engage in drama or start gossip, just ignore it and move on, praying for them, their situation, and most importantly, their salvation.
Because the truth is, whether or not they are a scammer, they ARE in need.
People who are rich, aren’t going around using false stories to get money. They DO have a need there, financially, and while their methods are not morally upright, they really do need the help.
No one takes advantage just to take advantage. People don’t risk jail for no reason. There’s a financial need there, so in essence, at the root, they really aren’t a scammer. There IS a need there, they just are dealing with it improperly, which is wrong.
Be kind to everyone, at all times, no matter what. How do you know if the person you’re demeaning is not an angel in disguise and YOU read the situation wrong?! Hebrews 13:2.
On the other hand, we are called to be smart about things and not be taken advantage of (Matthew 10:16), so definitely do your due diligence to judge the situation fairly, without partiality.