I’m a pretty passionate person. I get really riled up over a lot of things that seem meaningless, but they really mean a lot to me.
I’m passionate about showing women they can stay home on ANY income…because I’ve done it and because I’ve seen the devastation that comes when a mom has to work outside the home. Her family needs her. Her kids, her husband, they need her. And as a woman, that time when we are needed by our kids is fleeting. They grow up faster than you realize. The time that you are needed by your husband may be fleeting as well. I woke up to a note that another woman was more important to my ex-husband on Easter morning one year. All his stuff was gone.
Time is fleeting. Life is fleeting. This world is fleeting.
I’m passionate about blogging, because it’s a WAY that women CAN stay home.
I’m passionate about saving money, because if a family knows how to intentionally tell their money what to do, they can go SO much further than they realize.
I’m passionate about organizing because I love order and peace and calm. When the house is not organized or clean, I feel stressed inside.
I’m passionate about photography, because I love taking something that looks “meh” to the world and showing it in a beautiful way, a new way, a way that you wouldn’t have thought about looking at it before.
Perhaps you’re at a point in your life where you don’t feel passionate about anything.
I get it.
Too often, I see women who are burned out. They’ve been working so hard for years and it all seems pointless to them. The housework, the chores, changing your baby’s diaper, cooking, running errands, and the millions of other things you do every minute of your life!
This is NOT how God intends us to live. I believe that if we are not doing something that makes us happy, what’s the point???
Want a printable coloring sheet to remind you to “Do what you love”? Grab the coloring page here. You can also use it as wall art!
When my ex-husband first left, I could have easily gone out and got a job. I have college experience. The last time I applied to 3 banking jobs, within 2 days, I was offered all THREE and yes, that was in a bad economy. I have the experience to get a management level job. I walked into a bank years ago to make a deposit and apparently I was talking to a manager and in talking, she wanted me to apply for an opening they had. I’m not interested in working outside the home, but that doesn’t mean I CAN’T. I want to stay home with my kids because it’s what I love. 💖
Maybe you can do things too…but do you really WANT to? Does it fulfill you? Make you happy?
Listen, life’s too short to do something you hate. Obviously you have to eat. We all do, but sometimes, what we THINK our needs are…aren’t really an accurate description of what our true needs are.
For me, I chose to be home with my little ones over money. And if you’re here reading this today, I have a sneaky suspicion you either do too or you WANT to be home with your kids. My life’s purpose, my #1 highest passion in life is to make that happen. So, I work hard to make that happen.
Do you see how my passion is FIRST, THEN hard work? You can’t have it the opposite. You can’t work hard to GET passion. It doesn’t work like that.
Don’t have any passion, find it! Create it! Make it!
Take a cooking class. Stop your life for a week and spend it with your kids in a way that you normally don’t, doing things you normally don’t. Take a vacation, go to the beach, travel.
Find something you are passionate about and include more of that in your life. Listen, you can’t go through life passionless. If you do, you will just end up miserable and make those around you miserable too.
Snap out of it.
Your life has so much more meaning than wiping runny noses all day long. You are so much more! I wish I could show you how important you are. Tell you how much you mean to your family and those around you.
You are the glue that keeps your family together. You are valuable more than you see.
Don’t let the mundaneness of life ruin that for you.
Get out there and BE passionate. Go after YOUR dreams. I didn’t start a blog and be successful one day. I’ve been successful ALL my life no matter WHAT I’ve done BECAUSE I live my life with passion and I have the courage to go after what I want…even if no one goes with me!!!!!!!