You have to go to your husband’s work party and you don’t know anyone there…
You just started a new church and there’s an annual picnic coming up…
Your daughter comes home from school and wants you to meet her friend’s parents so she can have a sleep over…
All of those situations can make ANYONE uncomfortable. And I will admit, in person, I’m one of the shyest people you can meet.
I wear black and hang out next to the wall. Blend in and stay hidden.
I don’t know why, but I have such a terrible time meeting new people.
Online I’m just fine. It’s no problem. The words come easily. I can talk just fine. But in person, it’s a whole different story.
While I can’t say that I’ve perfected being shy in person, I do have a secret trick that really helps me in ANY situation in person.
Wanna know what it is?
Watch the video below to find out!!
How to Stop Being Shy and Awkward
Now it’s YOUR turn!
What’s the one situation that makes you the most shy in the entire world? Is it dating, relationships with friends and family, at school or college, at work …? Have you been able to get better at handling it? If so, what’s worked for you to overcome shyness? Where are you at in your journey of overcoming your shyness? Were you shy and quiet as a kid too, or just as an adult?
Leave a comment below and let me know!
Remember to share as much as you can. There are MANY ladies out there who want to know what you’ve done to overcome shyness or how you’re working on it. Let’s all inspire each other! Your story could be just the thing that helps someone have a major breakthrough!
If you have friends, loved ones, or peers you know this would really help them, please share it.