What do you do when God shows you something, convicts you of something, yet no one believes you?
It happened when I started blogging. I’m the only one who knew I would make it this far (and I know this isn’t even half of where He’s taking me). But at the time, no one believed me. Not family, not friends, NO ONE.
This week has been really tough for me. Because I know things yet again that no one believes.
What do you do in times like that? Do you listen to the world, your friends, your family, man…..or to God?
As difficult as it is, I’m fully prepared to walk my life completely alone for God the rest of my life. Meaning, I don’t NEED my friends to believe me. I don’t mean that in a harsh way. I mean that in a way that nothing is going to stop me. I’m here for a purpose. I’m here to change lives and set souls on fire for Christ. I’m here to help, to encourage, to love, to minister, to carry burdens, to be a shining light to the world for Christ.
It doesn’t matter if I have to walk that road alone….I mean, sure I’d love people in my life along the way, but that I can’t focus on that. I’m going where I’m going whether or not anyone else comes with me.
All of my Christian life, I’ve proved that I’m willing to go WHEREVER God wants me to go, regardless of consequences, regardless of what I have to give up along the way. Right now, is no different.
I’m not going to stop. I’m not going to keep fighting for what I know God wants me to do. I will never give up. I will never stop trying.
How can a person be that confident?
Because by now, I know the voice of my Shepherd. End of story. And no one can ever convince me otherwise.
If you’re reading this, I ask you two things…first of prayer. It’s NOT easy. Second, do you know the voice of YOUR Shepherd…and when He asks you to do something, are you willing to give up EVERYTHING and follow Him DAILY?
Today, I’d like to encourage you. I’m going alone and that’s okay. God won’t let me stop. He may let me fall, He may let me lose focus, but long term, I’m going. Where are you going?