“I am currently jobless and in seek of work, however, as a dreamer and aspiring blogger and entrepreneur, I’m looking for any and every way to stay home with my baby girl and make a living on my own.”
I Want to Be an Entrepreneur but I Have Bills to Pay
This is really such a great question and it’s one that, even as an entrepreneur for over 25+ years, I still struggle with it from time to time.
For example, right now, I’m creating printables that I think are really ugly. 😆 I mean, the look of them, the style is just…not MY style. It’s not what *I* would like, use, have, buy.
But I create them, because it furthers the gospel, because it lines up with what some people want and what they need. I’m doing it to help them. ❤️
So the first thing to understand is that, even when you get where you want to be and all your dreams come true, there will still be tough days where you’re doing things you don’t really want to do. And that is a part of life too, right? As a mom, you love your baby, but I’m sure you don’t love changing stinky diapers. 😬
As a woman, I really don’t love doing dishes. In fact, I’ll be so bold as to say I hate them. I hate washing dishes. 😆 But it’s something we have to do.
Once we understand that reality and accept it as part of your life, things will be a lot easier. Instead of fighting getting a job to pay the bills and survive, you’ll understand that it’s something you may have to do RIGHT NOW, but it may not always be that way, but doing things in life that we don’t want to do IS a part of life, no matter what it is we do.
When I first started my blog, I was working my regular job (selling on ebay for my normal income) and then working my blog on the side, in order to grow it up. I was working ebay my normal 40ish hours and then the blog, another 20 hours. I did that for a really long time.
Working my normal stuff to survive and keep my bills afloat and then working on my dream on the side. My kids were both babies at the time, literally babies. My youngest was around 9 months old and my oldest around 2 years old.
I was juggling a lot and it wasn’t the funnest time, but, I DID make it in blogging!!! I DID accomplish my dream. I DID make it and you can too! 🥰
Will it take working your dream on the side, probably. For a time anyway until your dream supports your bills in a stable, consistent way.
It may take a year or two to accomplish, but that’s okay. If it’s your dream, it’s your heart, then do it! Only you can make your dreams come true!
So, in essence, it’s a mindset shift. Shifting from the drudgery of knowing you have to work, leaving your baby, working a job, to having the mindset of, “I know this is what I have to do and if it’s what I have to do, I’ll do it and I know it’s just for a little bit of time. This isn’t forever. I’ll get through it quickly.”
Shifting that mindset will really help you be able to accomplish your dream!!! But it takes time. Give yourself that time and go after your dreams, all while paying your bills! 🥰