So many times in my life those around me have tried to hold me down. Friends have told me not to do something. My mom told me not to blog. My previous Pastor told me not to work from home. Just so many people, all the time, feel like they have a say in my life. Just because I’m single. Just because they think THEY know what’s best for me.
I’m all for seeking wise, godly counsel. And I’m not one to rebel from a Pastor or from those in authority over me as they have been put in my life by God.
But when those people try to tell me (or try to force me) to do something that is NOT God-ordained, that’s when I have a problem with it.
Listen, you don’t HAVE to listen to others. You don’t HAVE to willingly just follow around everything everyone says. You were born with a brain. You were born with a heart. Most importantly, you were born again with Jesus Christ living inside of you and no one, or nothing, can EVER take His place, do you understand?
Sometimes people are well-meaning, and that’s fine. No problem. But at the end of the day, you MUST follow God and God alone and what HE wants you to do in your life.
When you do (when you follow Him and NOT those around you), you will come up against opposition. You will create for yourself enemies. They will not like what you’re doing. Some may try to take you down and destroy you only proving that they are not Christian at all or, at the very least, not walking with the Lord during that time.
When you find yourself in such a situation (as I have many times in my life, even now as I write this), one thing to constantly keep your focus on is this verse in Romans 8.
If God is for us….
If God is for us, ain’t no one else gonna stand
If God is for us, He will absolutely destroy your enemies and the oppression and hold they have over your life one way or another
If God is for us, He will fight your battles because you do not wage against flesh and bones but of the spiritual realm
If God is for us, Satan and his kingdom, the world, in the end, won’t win
If God is for us, and we are for Him, no one can win against Him, NO ONE!!!!!
Maybe it LOOKS LIKE your enemies are winning today. Okay. I get it. Take comfort and hold on tight to Jesus Christ. Because pretty soon you will search for them and not find them.
I have had lots of people go up against me, and I’ve seen lots of people destroyed, scattered, and gone. In fact, just this week, God was convicting me that He will continue to get the people who seek to destroy me and this blog off of me. They taunt me night and day and try to make my life miserable. You know what He did?????
He somehow went in my email list and deleted about 15,000 off my email list. It doesn’t hurt too bad because my email list is over 100,000 people, but the point is that after working with ConvertKit to try to find out what happened, it wasn’t just one list that was deleted. It was people scattered from all over, no one able to figure out HOW and WHO was tagged to be removed, but removed they were.
Does this surprise me?
Absolutely not! God is fighting for this blog. He wants it to continue, and He’s scattering all those that oppose me and the direction of making this blog a place where we all come together and worship Him. A place for you to be renewed, to get cool things like digital stickers, wallpapers, printables, svgs and so much more in order to encourage and improve your faith.
No one can stop that and God is taking action, performing miracles, and I see it!!!!
You can rest in full confidence knowing that the God you serve is fighting for you also. That we don’t have to live in fear or be afraid, because God is for us if we are His in Christ. He will take care of everything in His precious time. And He already is behind-the-scenes, you just may not see everything He’s doing, but He’s working on it!!! Trust Him. You will never be disappointed when you trust God!
Download your free if God is for us wallpaper below to remind yourself of the treasure (and confidence) you have in the LORD, the Creator and sustainer of all things.
If God Is For Us Wallpaper
Ready to grab your wallpaper? Get it below…
If God Is For Us, Who Can Be Against Us? – Romans 8:31
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Facebook Cover (2550 x 948 px):
Pinterest Cover (2702 x 1548 px):
Enjoy!!! 💕🎁
Here’s another version of the same Scripture on a different wallpaper…