Humanistically speaking, our emotions go up and down like a roller coaster sometimes. One minute we’re happy, the next we’re sad, then angry, jealous, frustrated, then happy again.
But here’s the thing…
While our emotions or even our situation may change, God’s will never does, and in that, we can find peace and comfort in life’s hardest of storms.
We can still smile knowing that, in the end, His promises, the things in which He’s revealed to us in the Bible, WILL come to pass, and nothing, and I do mean NOTHING will ever change that. Not Satan, not life, not other people can change His will for us.
One of my favorite verses is Job 42:2.
God’s plans won’t be thwarted by anything or anyone, no matter how impossible the situation looks.
Here’s a few more verses to meditate on.
Fill your mind with God’s truth…don’t let your situation or emotions overtake you! Stand firm!
• Isaiah 14:24-27
• Isaiah 43:11-13
• Isaiah 46:8-11
• Acts 4:27-28
• Acts 17:24-26
Listen, it’s not about the storm, we can’t chose the trials that come our way, it’s about how we REACT to the storm! Are we praising Him in the good AND the bad? Are we trusting Him to work it all out for our good?