Lots of great questions coming in this week and I wanted to make sure to answer them all. I’ll add to this post as questions come in this week, so keep checking back for more questions and answers in this post this week. 😊
Here are your questions so far…
Questions and Answers – Session 1
1) What is your life’s goal?
Wow, cool question. Thanks! 😊 So, my #1 biggest life’s goal, on a personal note, is to create a women’s study Bible. A few years ago, I purchased a women’s study Bible from a well-known actress who is godly.
I was THOROUGHLY disappointed. It was a lot of fluffy stuff. Stuff about cleaning, stuff like that. I just couldn’t relate to it at all. It was junk to be very honest, at least to me.
And at that time, it dawned on me how I had purchased a few women’s study Bible’s over the years and they were not really helpful to me. I have good, solid study Bibles, but for women, I haven’t found a good one and I feel like the world needs one for women.
Maybe there’s a great women’s study Bible out there and I just haven’t found it yet, but at that time, reading her study Bible, it was just impressed upon my heart how cool it to be to create one. Idk if it’ll ever happen. It’s a TON of work, decades worth, and Idk all the logistics of it, but there ya go. 😊 That’s my big dream. ❤️
My first life’s goal in the Lord, is to simply be pleasing to Him. I strive day and night, running the race with endurance (Hebrews 12:1) to be the perfect Christian. I’ll never get there this side of heaven, but that doesn’t stop me. That’s what I want and I’m willing to run hard for it.
2) After you get married, will you stop blogging? Seems like you wouldn’t have enough time to do both.
So, the godly priority list goes like this…
- God
- Husband
- Kids
- Outside family
- Friends, extra church functions/activities, service to the Lord
- The world at large
In that order. Blogging is what God has asked me to do. I highly doubt He will just want me to stop when I get married. With that said, I will have time for both. For me, it’s easy peasy!
I’ve spent a lot of time learning how to be super productive with my time. Most of the time right now, I’m bored, 😄 and that’s okay. I’ve created my life to be as such, not filling it with time sucks (wood, hay, stubble).
I’ve created space in my life ALREADY for a husband, for dating, so I will absolutely have time for a guy, should God decide to bring me one.
AFTER I’m married, I think that God would want my husband to work with me on the blog and us both serve in this ministry.
Maybe he can help write blog posts. Maybe he can work the technical aspect of things. Whatever it is that he’s good at (his skills, what he’s gifted at, his spiritual gifts, his personality, and what God has called him to do), but for both of us to work the blog and serve others in this way.
I do believe that’s God’s will for my life. To work, hand in hand, serving others for Christ WITH my husband in this ministry, but then also one day, maybe my husband having a ministry of his own (maybe in person, maybe it’s him being an elder in the church, maybe he starts up courses online to teach a topic he’s passionate about that is attached to this blog) that I help HIM with, whatever that is, if he should so desire it. 😊
We also may start up a gifting group in the area? It’s really just something to be talked about with my future husband and both of us letting God lead us and obeying Him in our lives, together combined with what WE want to do. ❤️
Idk how all that will look or what God has called us to do as a couple, but I do know this. God always expects us to serve and serving is one of my spiritual gifts. If I’m literally NOT serving in some way each and every day, I get super SAD.
But it really is all about balance.
Our day could look something like this:
We work 4-6 hours a day in the morning (maybe 9 am-1 pm), and then the rest of the day is ours to do with what we want. So, if he is working the blog as am I, that’s a good 8-12 hours combined on the blog each day. For sure, we could make a LOT of waves in the world with working hard like that, for kingdom purposes. And still have the rest of the day to do what we want, spend time together, etc.
Then, on Saturday’s, I have devoted to my husband, all day. It’s HIS day, fully and completely (I’m a VERY romantic person!) We connect, we spend time, we are raw and intimate (cuddling, etc.) with each other, deeply talking, getting to know each other more, investing in each other.
On Sunday’s is church and a day of rest, so we don’t work. We go to church, am involved in that, and just rest all day, hanging out or doing whatever. I also use this day to clean. So I pick up after myself instantly and am super organized in my house during the week and then on Sundays, I usually spend an hour or two cleaning (dishes, etc. are done more than once/week, but I’m talking about the deeper cleaning type of stuff).
In that scenario, we (combined) work the blog 40-60 hours a week and still have a TON of time spending together. I don’t have kids at home with me, so for me, it’s a lot easier to create time for my husband and I want to! He and God are my priority on earth, so I’ve already accounted for that and have plenty of time to balance everything. 😊 I’m already prepared!!! I’m ready!
The one thing I DO know, that God has told me specifically already, is that the first two years of marriage, God has given me the gift of spending that time with my husband, intimately, so we wouldn’t start up any major ministries until AFTER the first two years (honeymoon stage basically). 🥰 We would just spend a ton of time together (continue this blog, of course, but not starting up more things until after we have had ample time to really be together).
3) My wife is always spending time with her friends and outside family, she’s not doing what she’s supposed to. If she helped me more, I wouldn’t have to work so hard. What do I do?
Ouch, that’s tough. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that.
The first thing I would say is that you can’t change someone else. You can’t make her want to work or even to help you. It really has to be her heart.
I would say though that she’s literally not being who she was created to be. Women were created for man. We were created to help our husbands. That’s literally our job in life. To help him, to support him, to make him not lonely and to be with him. If she’s not helping you, she’s in clear sin and not lining up to who she was designed to be. Genesis 2:18, 1 Corinthians 11:3, 1 Corinthians 11:8-9.
Secondly, are your expectations too high? Most likely they are not, but it’s always a good idea to check. If you expect her to take care of the kids, keep a clean home, AND work 80 hours a week for example, it’s just not realistic.
However, if she’s doing a lot of petty things, things that don’t matter for eternity, or spending all her time on the kids and ignoring your needs, then it’s a good idea to have a conversation with her and tell her how you feel.
Be honest, be sincere, be tender.
Show her how you don’t believe she’s lining up to the Proverbs 31 woman. Ask her if she’s willing to change this.
Then, all you can do is make it a matter of consistent prayer until something changes.
Leave it to God, she answers to Him, and God WILL chastise her if she’s a believer if she’s not taking your requests (anything that is not sin) seriously. He WILL work in the situation. Talk to her honestly and leave it in His hands until He changes things, but keep praying!!
4) You mentioned that men need sex daily. With taking care of kids all day, cleaning the home, and all my other responsibilities, it’s really hard to set aside time to be intimate in a loving way, without it just being a duty or chore. I want to please my husband, but I’m just exhausted. Do you have any advice for this?
First, I applaud your effort to want to please your husband. That’s great. I think that it’s hard for moms especially. All day, you’re running around in “mom” mode and then getting into “wife” mode, that transition takes a couple hours. Going from wiping snotty noses and picking up toys to wanting to be romantic. It’s a shift in the mind for sure.
And you want to be fully present with him, not just going through the motions. Your husband reads you loving him based on if you want to be intimate with him. He wants you to want him real bad. When you do, it pleases him because it makes his ego feel good and men need that. It makes them feel wanted, loved, and desired.
The best thing I could say is to schedule time to be romantic with each other every day. That means saying no to several other things so that you can HAVE that time. It means closing out loose ends and stop being so busy. Maybe putting the kids down an hour earlier can be a good idea. Tell them they don’t have to go to sleep, but they need to lay in bed quietly every night before bed.
Taking your kids to a family member’s house on Saturday so you have all day with him to spend together, could be another example.
Each couple is different and you’ll have to do what works for you, but you’ll want to consistently create time for each other on a regular basis. Your marriage is the most important relationship you have outside of your heavenly Father. More important than your kids. Obviously, you need to meet your kids needs, but your husband’s needs come before theirs. You need to meet both.
You’ll find a way. Just make it a priority and pray a lot about how you guys can come together and spend more time together. As you both prioritize each other and your marriage, you’ll see the fruit of it and it’ll make you want to spend all the more time together. ❤️
5) What’s one thing people would never guess about you?
Lots of things really. I’d say that I’m a night owl. Being a night owl means that I can easily sleep during the day OR at night, either one, and be just fine. I’m able to stay awake long periods of time and I really rather love being a night owl.
At night, the world is quiet and I can bust out a TON of work while there are no distractions. It’s one of my secret weapons to getting so much done. 😊
That’s kind of a small one so I’ll say one more…
I’m scary good at baseball. When I was younger, I played baseball on an all-boys team. I learned very quickly each and every position (except for catcher and pitcher- I didn’t care about those positions), and I got REAL good.
I played volleyball and basketball and ran track in the off-season to sharpen different skills.
But the funnest part was actually BEING a girl. We were able to use that to throw others off their game and get the upper hand.
We’d play a new team and I’d go up to the bat, all boys out there, not one other girl anywhere in sight, and I’d be like talking to a teammate, “Oh, shoot, how did you teach me to hold the bat?”
I’d pretend to not know what I was doing. 😆
There were lots of tricks like that and I became the secret weapon to really get ahead. It was super fun. I learned to work as a team and to use my individual strengths to help the team win.
In basketball, it was the same. I can make a basket in the basket every single time if I stand in one particular sweet spot, so the plan was to get me in that spot, no one was the wiser and bam, they’d pass the ball to me (which threw everyone off; no one expected it) and I’d make the shot and get the basket.
In baseball, I can catch just about every fly ball in the outfield, but my real strength is home runs! I can hit 8 out of 10 home runs consistently back to back.
In fact, even now, when I go to the batting cages, teen boys stop and sit down and watch me play. I’m good. I was super sporty as a kid. It wasn’t till high school that I became popular and more “girly”.
I’m still pretty girly to this day, but if we go play air hockey, watch out. 😆 I’m going to get really try to win (not into faking) and totally beat you out of nowhere and you won’t see it coming. 😉
I love to play around, goof off, and have fun. Just never, ever underestimate me in any area of life. I’m used to being the underdog and winning. It’s kinda my thing. 😛😂
6) How’s the Albany thing going? Have you froze to death yet?
Lemme check. Yep, I’m still alive. 😆 For now… 😂
It’s still cold, but I’m managing. I’m praying to God for strength to get me through this all. I AM getting more rest this week. Praise the Lord. 🙌 It’s been quieter here where I’m at (the landlord has done some things to make it quieter here without me even asking, just out of the kindness of his heart, which is super sweet. His desire is to make sure that I’m able to blog comfortably because it’s such a ministry to the world- he’s a believer, which is cool) and I’ve been able to sleep more. YAY!
I was SOOO exhausted, having to pack and leave within 3 days and then staying in motels, in my car, and then the shelter. So, that’s what I’m thankful for the most this week! ❤️ Rest!
I won’t know if I’m able to move to Albany until after Dec 23. Just kind of waiting around until then, to know if it’s possible. If it is, then I can start looking for a place there. I’m paid rent through Jan 1 here, so it would be after that and then I would take a couple weeks to unpack, settle in, take care of things, etc. and then I can start going to church there.
That’s what I’m SUPER excited about the most!!!! Being able to be plugged into a church.
There’s not a good church there in Idaho at all; I’ve researched all of them. There’s not a good church here where I’m at (there’s a legalistic one and then a SUPER fluffy one; those are really the best options, but that’s not ideal obviously).
But there IS a fantastic church in Albany. I watched the service online today (live stream) and it was really good. I’ve been listening to sermons on their website all week, making sure it’s a biblical church, reading their doctrinal statement, etc. So far, it looks really great!!! I’m super excited to go to it, probably the first couple weeks in January, if everything goes as planned (if I’m able to move there). That would be the soonest, which I’m hoping for! 😆
I want to be clear: I want to live where there’s a godly church. That’s my heart.
If you have a good church, never take it for granted. As I’ve traveled all over, there’s not a whole lot of biblical churches out there. Hold on tight to the one you have. Be appreciative of it. Thank God for it. You’re very blessed to have one. 🙏
There was a seemingly godly church in Bend, but I contacted them, and they never contacted me back, which just shows that they don’t live up to what they claim to. So, I don’t want to move there.
There ARE a TON of options to move to Cleveland, Ohio (rent is cheaper over there) and to go to Alistair Begg’s church. It’s a dream of mine to visit his church before he retires next year!!! But with all the snow, it wouldn’t be good timing driving there. I was thinking after I get married, my husband and I can travel over there and stay a month or so. That would be SOOOO cool! It’s definitely a dream! 🥰
So for now, just kinda waiting around to know if it’s possible I move to Albany and then, trying to find a place there if it is. Finding a place this time of year will be the toughest part, so I’d love prayers for that.
Update: I have found a place in the Albany area! Praise the Lord!! 🙌 I signed the lease agreement and go to see it in person on Dec 26!! It’s about 30 mins away from the church, so I won’t be able to go to evening services, at least not at the beginning (till I get used to the roads in this particular area and until my income can support the gas costs), but it’s a start and I’m SUPER excited!!! 🎉 This means that I’ll be moving over the next couple weeks (have to make a few trips back and forth). I’ll try really hard to stay on the daily blog posts, but between moving and the holidays, I might miss one here or there. Bear with me these next two weeks. 😊
I’ll be without my MAC computer for a few days, but I’ll still have my phone, it’ll just be limited access. After that, I should be okay with accessing things again. If you have anything urgent during that time, my assistant will be available. ❤️ She’s been with me for about 4 years now, so she knows what’s what and can always contact me with any questions. So, we’ll still be here, just a little more limited than normal.
Please keep me in your prayers for safe travels and the whole moving process. 🙏🤗
7) How can a wife help her husband be more of a godly man?
Such a GREAT question. Lemme get back to you on that one. I think it might be a whole post for that question- not sure? I really have to sit and think about it for a little while. 😊
8) How should a couple dress around each other after marriage?
It’s a great question, one I’m actually asked quite frequently but am a little apprehensive to answer because there is no biblical mandate on this.
With that said, you can dress however you want really, BECAUSE there is nothing in the Bible to tell you to do a certain thing or not do a certain thing. You can take liberty in this area.
But I will share with you a biblical guideline that I think is worth considering.
Most always, the longer you’re married, the less you take care of yourself.
The man gets a “beer belly”. The woman stops wearing makeup around the house. They both don’t really have to impress anyone anymore, so they stop trying.
I think that this leads to temptation for the man and here I will speak directly from the man’s perspective. Like it or not, this is what your guy is thinking, he’s just not telling you because he’s polite.
When a wife is married 5+ years, she’s just taking the relationship and her husband for granted. She got lazy, comfortable. So she’s not getting dressed, not wearing makeup, her hair is in a messy bun, she’s comfortable. Problem is, her husband sees other women all dressed up when he’s out and about, knows he has a lazy, unmade-up woman at home and it’s not a turn-on to him anymore, so he’s tempted with other women.
He begins to read into the situation that his wife is not putting forth any effort into her appearance for HIM (oh yes, she dresses and puts on makeup when she goes somewhere, but that’s for other people, not HIM) and he starts to feel like she doesn’t care about him. “Why isn’t she putting forth effort for ME?” he thinks to himself. He starts to feel unappreciated, not respected, not cared for, not loved, not getting the attention from you he wants.
We, as women, allow the world to choke out our romance. There’s kids and playing taxi, driving them all over the place and school lunches and dinners and cleaning and a hundred other things the girl is doing.
SHE feels like she’s working hard, doing enough, running a house, keeping a home, taking care of the kids and so the priority for her husband, the priority for romance goes out the window over time, like a slow air leak out of a balloon.
For him, it’s the same way. He stops caring so much. He already HAS the girl, he doesn’t have to chase her, pursue her anymore and both of them, start to feel too comfortable around each other and take each other for granted. I see this time and time and time again and it’s NOT what I want in a marriage.
Men- you need to pursue and chase your wife even after marriage. When you don’t, she becomes bitter and starts with unconsciously withhold sex because she feels you don’t care about her. Take care of your body and your health. Every day of your life. Same with women. Pursue your husband!
That doesn’t mean that we, ladies, have to wear high heels and skirts around the house. But there is one question I want you to consider.
If you are getting dressed up for church, when you see your friends, or even to run errands (whenever you leave the house), why are you not also dressing up for your husband? Is he not more important than that?
Because I can tell you with full confidence, HE is reading it like you value your friends, even the world, strangers, more than him! He feels unloved. He’s not worth your effort, your time.
And it’s true. You’re showing that you care more about a stranger than him. He’s got a point in how he’s thinking about things. He’s right!
I think the simplest thing to do is to start caring.
It’s a matter of the heart. You care about your husband, you want to please him in all areas, you don’t want him thinking he’s not loved or that you don’t care about him.
So even as a mom running taxi all day and doing all you do, you should put forth effort into how you look FOR your husband.
I’ve found a couple tricks that have really helped ME as I’ve personally changed this in myself (in order to prepare for marriage).
First things first. You’ll want to start waking up about 45 mins. before everyone else. Let your husband sleep. Let your kids sleep.
First thing I do when I wake up is wash my face (with a good cleanser- taking care of myself), brush my teeth, comb my hair, those sorts of things. I put on eyeliner (that is a 24-hour eyeliner) and make myself look presentable, not dressed, but if I needed to leave the house within 3 mins. I easily could. I’m ready. I think getting ready for your day like that, really helps you be PREPARED FOR your day.
Next, I quickly check my stuff (emails, blog, etc.) and then spend time with God. When my husband wakes up, I could go to him, lay back in bed with him, kiss him, be intimate. Men like to be intimate first thing they wake up.
After that, the kids are waking up and you can start your day.
Anytime you go to the bathroom during the day, start making it a habit to reapply makeup, check your hair, those sorts of things. That way, you’re always freshened up. You don’t have to put on concealer and foundation and go the whole distance here, but simple eyeliner, hair not a rats nest 😆, those sorts of things. Just look presentable. 😊
At night, some time before bed, I spend 30 mins to an hour on a beauty routine in front of the mirror. Grooming, wearing a mask to keep my skin nice, things like that. When married, this is a good time for him to have alone time doing whatever he wants.
But that way, no matter when you see your husband or what his schedule is, you’re always looking freshened up, groomed, and he feels respected, loved, cherished, like he’s worth your time and effort (and he is!!)
As for how to dress, your clothes, that is different for everyone. If you’re constantly running errands all day long, you’ll need to be dressed anyway and that’s fine. For me, I work from home. I don’t HAVE TO get dressed during the day and I don’t. When I get married, I don’t want to be dressed all day either, I want to be comfortable. But I still want to please my guy. So for me, in my particular situation, that meant, getting some jammies that are comfy AND sexy at the same time.
I wear a black shirt that on me, because I’m well, shorter (5’3), the shirts are more like dresses on me. So, I run around all day in that shirt/dress. It will be sexy to a guy because it’s a very SHORT dress. It’s comfy to me because it’s really just a comfy shirt. So I’ve found something that works for me.
I’m thankful I don’t have kids at home, I’m done with that part of my life, and just want to spend all my time on my husband, never having kids at home again. I want my life to be about my husband and God. That’s just me.
For you, that may be different. If you have kids at home, running around in a super short dress that barely covers your bum is not going to work! 😆
You have to do what works for you. But there is a way you can be comfortable and still look good to your husband, so that he knows you’re considering his desires too. You’ll have to find that balance, and every case will be different.
One husband I talked to who was going through divorce, he likes jeans. He likes it when his wife wears jeans. So, she could wear jeans more. Make an effort to wear jeans more, knowing he likes it.
Each guy likes different things. You’ll need to determine what that is and make an effort to do that more. Not every second of every day, but more. Maybe wearing jeans twice a week or something if your husband likes that, for example.
Get to know what he likes, what he doesn’t, and add more of what he likes into your week. As long as you’re making an effort, out of a love and respect for him, you’ll be fine. There’s no hard and fast rules here, it’s just more of a matter of the heart. ❤️
9) Are you a saver or a spender? Do you have any debt?
So for me personally, I do not have any debt at all, no. I have a nice car (Honda CR-V that only has around 26k miles on it). I bought it brand new several years back and paid cash for it. Those types of vehicles hold their value very well over the years and that’s one of the main reasons I chose that car. I picked blue in color to prepare for my husband, because I think that a guy would prefer to drive a blue car instead of a girly color. 😊 So, I was preparing ahead.
As far as a saver or spender, I’m both. I have a really great BALANCE of both types of personalities. I can save like you wouldn’t believe (I saved $400k in my savings account years ago), but I also like to buy the things I want. Not in excess, but if I’m decorating a house, for example, I’m going to spend to make the house look beautiful so that my husband likes it and feels like it’s his domain too and he’s comfortable. I’m going to save money like crazy with each purchase, and get a lot of things free, but I’m going to spend.
Another example is I spend money on beauty supplies. Masks, a quality face wash (here’s my all-time favorite), those types of things, as needed. But not buying a ton, just buying what I need or want. So it’s a healthy balance between the two.
10) Who are you really? Are you everything you say in your blog or is it a persona?
So, you’ve never met me in person, so I get your question. There are a lot of fakes and frauds out there for sure, that we should guard ourselves against.
I am everything I say I am. The blog is an extension of me; it always has been. But it’s compartmentalized. Meaning, I don’t go around telling a bunch of strangers a ton of Bible verses and teaching them. 😆
I’m just a normal girl and the blog is where I get to be myself, at my core: all about Christ and wanting others to live more godly lives also, as God has called us to do.
So, same person, just not so “teachering”. A lot of people come to me for advice, so I do tell them, but I don’t actively go out there and start telling people stuff. I let them come to me. 😊 I like to have fun, get to know people on a real level, deeper (not superficial) and just hang out. Online, I’m more serious, I’m handling the word of God, but in person, it’s more laid back, obviously.
I am all about God though, whether in person or online! He’s my life, the air I breathe.
11) I have read your story so many times, but it’s like a movie where you notice something new every time you watch it. Did you stay home with your kids until they were school age or did you homeschool?
So glad that my story is so helpful! Praise God. 🙌 🥰
I started homeschooling my kids when they were babies. My daughter was around 2 1/2 years old and my son was around 9 months old at the time that I started with them. It wasn’t a curriculum-based homeschooling because they were so little, but for my son, I started him out with Baby Einstein movies. It was what he connected with the best. For my daughter, I worked with her on ABC’s first (puzzles, coloring, etc.)
When they got to school age, I had to put them in school for a couple reasons. One was because I needed to work and blog to make money. The other was because if I didn’t have them in school, my ex-husband could take the kids more and I felt like it wasn’t a good home environment for them to be in, with him (him living with different women all the time in different places, traveling around and having a bunch of affairs, partying all the time, mixing pills with drinking alcohol, etc.) He just wasn’t stable enough at that point. So, I kinda was forced to.
While they were in school, I was still homeschooling them on the side, as I always have.
They started doing badly in school. Getting in trouble, hanging out with the wrong people. It just seemed like it wasn’t a good idea anymore. They were getting worse in human behavior than when not in school, so when it was safe for me to pull them out, I did. And they were homeschooled (both with curriculum and life-lessons, cooking, saving money, and all that) for the rest of their time with me until they were kicked out of my home.
My daughter was abusing me emotionally and spiritually and would gang up on me with my son to abuse me (bully, etc.) So she got kicked out. I thought it would be better with my son, after she left, but he started PHYSICALLY abusing me and leaving bruises on me. That’s NOT acceptable, and so I kicked him out too.
I think that you need to do whatever is best for YOU and your family. Situations will be different, kids will be different, but the ultimate goal is to do what’s best for THEM. And that’s something that only you can really decide. 😊
12) I’m new to serving others and want to do a good job. Where do I start?
It’s so great you want to start serving. Yay! 🎉
The first thing to know is that you want to keep everything very balanced. When you begin serving, one “yes” turns into two, turns into three and before you know it, you’re running around serving all day and neglecting your own needs and family.
While serving is a great endeaver, God never intends for one person to carry all the weight. But since the needs are many and the workers are few, pray for more workers continually. ❤️
Be sure your life is well managed and everything is balanced.
Next, start small. Don’t rush into things and do everything at once. And don’t do things you know you’re not a good fit for.
How do I put this politely? 😆 I do not like serving children. I’m VERY thankful that I do not have children at home. I do not want more children. I’m good at working with kids. I’ve done VBS, nursery, stuff like that all my life really (since I was 8), but I just don’t like it.
Yet, wherever I go, people hear that I’m a mom and they automatically want to throw me into some ministry with kids. It’s not really MY calling. I just don’t prefer it.
Gimme an old, white-haired lady to talk to and I’ll talk to her for hours. I love the elderly. ❤️ That’s where I love to be. Older people are so wise and if we LISTEN to them (their stories, their wisdom), we can learn a lot and avoid so many mistakes. So that’s where I’d rather be.
I’ve served by helping the elderly clean their homes, provide them meals, be a listening ear when they’re lonely, things like that. All that is much more my style. And the thing is EVERYONE has a DIFFERENT style. You may LOVE working with kids. More power to ya! 😆 Go for it!
That’s the point. You have to find something you ENJOY doing. Something that you’re passionate about, something you love, and you can try different things.
It also depends on time. How much time do you have to set aside for ministry each week?
One of the simplest things you can do is to join me on Truth For Life’s prayer team! It’s a VERY simple way to serve, you’re just praying for people who need prayer. You can do that around your schedule, anytime you want. 😊
Here’s some other ideas to find something that fits with what you like to do…
- Start a gifting ministry on Facebook
- Volunteer somewhere within your church
- Help the homeless (gather donations, work in soup kitchens, etc.)
- Start a Christian blog (or help someone with theirs)
- Help a neighbor
- Deliver a homecooked meal to someone
- Offer to babysit a single mama’s kids so she can rest
- Create a cards ministry (sending people cards for birthdays, anniversaries, etc.)
- Be a Titus 2 woman and teach a younger woman the things listed in Titus 2:4-5
- Volunteer in your community
- Donate money to a charity or needy person
- Learn a skill and use it for the glory of God (example: I taught myself graphic design and use it to create printables for churches, ministry leaders, and moms) 😊
- Drive someone somewhere who doesn’t have a car
- Give the gift of happy – encourage someone who needs it
- Do something for your husband, something he’s responsible for that you can do to surprise him
There are a billion ideas of what you can do. The main thing is to just start paying attention to people in need. Let a service to others and a love FOR others drive your life. Look for opportunities wherever you go and pray for God to give you them.
Nearly every single day I wake up, I ask God what does He want me to do today. Most of the time, He has something He wants me to do or to work on (my character, for example). It’s very rare He doesn’t have something for me to focus on.
Get in a habit of asking Him to show you what to do, how to spend your time, how to serve. If you do that, you’ll begin to see what’s important to HIM and you’ll be able to, in turn, please Him better! 🎉
Great question!!
Keep your questions coming this week! I’ll try to get to each and every one of them. ❤️