When you’re in love with someone, you want to show them how much you love them every day.
You take great care into thinking up things that they would truly enjoy, things that would make them happy, and bring a smile to their face.
But as the years go on, you tend to lose sight of all that. You forget to make time to show them just how much you care.
Life gets hectic, busy, you start a family, kids come, romance goes out the window, and you struggle just to even get dressed every day, much less spending an hour making something to make your spouse feel good about themselves.
You’re running ragged, doing too much of the wrong things, spending your time on things that don’t matter for eternity and it’s not okay.
God has a perfect standard for us and we NEED to MAKE the time to invest in our marriage, the number one relationship here on earth, right below God.
The first thing you need to do to begin prioritizing your marriage is to start cutting out all loose ends in your life, trivial things you don’t need to do, even some things that SEEM like they are necessary or important but are not.
The next thing is about blocking. Blocking anything that would seek to destroy your relationship with your marriage partner. The urgencies of life aren’t usually all that urgent if you think about it. Some are, and we get that, but some aren’t. They just SEEM urgent at the time.
Measuring everything you do in your day up to the light of God and His countenance will help you to know what to throw away in your day, what to stop doing, and what to do more of.
God says your relationship with your spouse is #1. That means above kids! Obviously, we don’t let our children go hungry, you understand that. We meet their needs and take good care of them, but what about your husband’s needs?
When was the last time you really stopped to think about what he needs? What he wants? What he would desire?
Today, I want to challenge you to make the day about your husband in your heart.
That may mean cooking his favorite dinner, buying him that necessary suit for church he’s been wanting and getting it on sale or free through your local free gifting group, or it may mean making him a special and thoughtful gift like the one I’m about to show you. ❤️
Each husband is different. Each thing they like or dislike will be different. The point is to think of YOUR husband and think about what would make HIM happy today.
Here’s a FAN-tastic idea that you can use for any day you want, whether you’re dating or married.
Maybe your anniversary is coming up and you’re looking for JUST the right present for him.
Maybe Valentine’s Day is coming up and you want to surprise him.
Maybe he’s traveling for his job or you’re dating and have a long distance relationship and want to surprise him, this would be great for all those things. If it’s long distance, you can show him your gift and open up all the papers with him over video chat. 💻
Whatever the case is, every guy on the planet would LOVE to receive this homemade, super simple gift from the one they love!!! 💯 Don’t believe me? I tested that theory and asked 8 guys what they thought.
All (100% of them) said they’d love receiving something like that! It was super meaningful to them, so it’ll be a big hit with YOUR honey! ❤️ You guy will LOVE it!!
Romantic Gift Idea: Reasons I Love You
First, grab a box that is the same color as your slips of paper (I got this box from TJ Maxx). If you have the supplies, you could put a greeting card in there too with a gift card to a nice restaurant or make a paper of some sort to tell him you love him.
I have the slips of papers in red and blue, depending on your guy’s favorite color, so look for a red box or blue box if you’re using the slips of papers below. 👇
You can get the red printables here and the blue printables here.
It’s easy enough to print them, cut them along the lines, and then write on them what you love about your man!
It’s a time to reflect, not only for you, but for him, all the reasons and ways you absolutely adore him. The things you’re so appreciative of.
Then fold them up and put them in the box.
And let him open them one at a time.
You can have him open the papers up or you can do it and show him as you open them up if you’re long distance.
Tell him that anytime he’s feeling sad or just wants to feel more cherished and loved, he can open up the slips and be reminded just how much you love him and appreciate all the things about him.
Here’s a list of ideas to get you started. Be creative and think of very specific-to-you-guys ways in which you care for him!
And men, your wife would love to receive this gift too. It’s not just for husbands! It can work for anyone!! 🎁
Ideas to write for your romantic gift:
- I love that you’re so faithful to me
- I love how much you pray
- I love your face
- I love your fire for God
- I love that we have so much in common
- I love how much you pray and seek God’s will
- I love how well you treat me
- I love how you live to line up your life to God
- I love how you protect me
- I love that you’d rather be by yourself than around sin
- I love that you respect me
- I love how you let me be free
- I love how handsome you are
- I love that you make good decisions
- I love that you don’t want to have sex outside of marriage
- I love your eyes
- I love that you take care of yourself
- I love that you didn’t give physical stuff away before me
- I love that you love me
- I love how you want to change things to become Christ-like
- I love that you try to heal me of past hurts
- I love how humble you are
- I love getting to know you each and every day
- I love that you’re sold out to me
- I love that you don’t manipulate me
- I love that you are polite to me
- I love that you try so hard to run from sin
- I love that you prioritize our marriage
- I love that you’re so charming (but only use it to me)
- I love how well you care for me
- I love your fire and zeal for God
- I love that you walk in the spirit
- I love that you’re trustworthy
- I love that you want to live your life for Christ
- I love that you’re worthy of respect
- I love that you pray for me
- I love how stable you are in your emotions
- I love that you’re willing to sacrifice for me
- I love your goals
- I love how godly you are
- I love that you submit to me in love
- I love that you run to obey God
- I love how good you are to me
- I love how well you lead
- I love how much you love God
- I love how you treat women (in general)
- I love that you’ve gone to seminary
- I love that you flee sexual temptation
- I love that you respect me
- I love how faithful you are to me
- I love how much you love me
- I love that you don’t try to control me
- I love your ambitions
- I love that you pursue holiness
- I love that I can be myself around you
- I love that you’re so picky with who you choose to marry
- I love that you’re the standard for a godly man
- I love spending time with you
- I love that you try so hard to meet my needs
- I love how Biblical you are
- I love that you’re up to watch any movie with me
- I love that you know and accept me fully
If you’re trying to create a special romantic evening for you and your spouse, here’s a great romantic songs playlist to consider. ❤️