Are you looking for signs he’s ready for marriage? If so, you’re not alone. A lot of women are wondering the same thing. Marriage is a big commitment, and it’s important to make sure that the person you’re with is ready for it before taking the plunge.
When you’re in a relationship, it’s natural to start thinking about the future. Whether you’re ready for marriage or not, it’s always fun to dream about what your life might be like with your partner. If you’re curious about whether your partner is ready for marriage, here are 20+ signs he is!
20+ Signs He’s Ready For Marriage
1. His first focus in life is not himself, it’s God (Matthew 6:33)
If the man you are dating is only interested in his own desires, then he’s not really ready for marriage. Marriage is a big commitment, a partnership. It’s not self-seeking or focusing on your own wants and needs, but rather on the other person and more importantly, on God. If his life doesn’t reflect that, he’s not marriage material.
2. He talks about the future with you
If your partner is always talking about what the two of you will do together down the road, that’s a good sign he’s thinking long-term. Marriage is definitely a long-term commitment, so if he’s already thinking ahead, that’s a good sign he’s including you in it!
3. He’s willing to put you and your needs first (Ephesians 5:25-30)
Marriage is about the other person, not ourselves. It is a God-glorifying relationship. The Bible is very clear we are to love others as ourselves, how much more should a man love his WIFE. He should be willing to die to himself for you every day. If he’s not, he’s not ready for marriage because marriage is about dying to yourself daily and putting the other person first.
4. He introduces you to his family and friends
Introducing someone to loved ones is definitely a big step, so if your partner has taken the time to introduce you to his family and friends, it shows that he trusts and respects you enough to share these important parts of his life with you. If he’s embarrassed by you or unwilling to let you into that part of his life, it could be a red flag he’s hiding something and not ready for marriage, which is a union of sharing every aspect of life together.
5. He texts or calls when he’s away from home
Being away from home can be tough sometimes, but if your partner takes the time to text or call regularly just to let you know he’s thinking of you, that’s definitely a good sign! It means you’re always on his mind, and that’s what you want. 🥰
6. He’s respectable (Ephesians 5:28)
Whatever his character is publicly, if you marry him, will also be YOUR character publicly. If he is not the greatest guy, people will think YOU’RE a jerk. Are you willing to be with that? Do you want that? A guy who is ready for marriage, will make sure that HIS image looks good on the outside AND the inside because he wants to be HIS best…FOR YOU!
7. He shares his dreams and aspirations with you
When two people are in love, they want to share everything with each other – including their dreams and aspirations! If your partner regularly tells you about his dreams and goals for the future, that could be another indication that marriage is on his mind. He may be trying to find out how you feel about things so that he can have a plan BEFORE he invites you to be in his life. He also might be making sure that the future will work with you. These are all great things to see him doing.
8. He includes you in his plans
If your partner always includes you in his plans for the future, that’s a good sign he’s ready to take things to the next level. Marriage is definitely a partnership, so it’s important that he sees you as an equal partner in life!
9. He makes an effort to spend time with your family
If he’s making an effort to get to know your family and spending time with them, it shows that he’s serious about the relationship and wants to make a good impression. If he takes time out to teach them something, that’s a bonus. He’s wanting to invest in them (and get in good with you and them). Your future husband should want to be accepted by all of your family. That’s not always possible, but it should be the desire of his heart.
10. He talks about his feelings with you
It can be tough for some guys to open up about their feelings, but if your partner is comfortable enough to do so, it shows that he trusts you and is serious about the relationship. Communication is very important in marriage and if he can’t open up and share how he feels BEFORE marriage, it will be hard to get him to open up and share AFTER marriage. There’s so many things that you need to talk about and communicating honestly is the best way.
11. He’s willing/open to change
He has a deep desire to become the man God wants him to be. He’s running TOWARD obeying God, at all costs, in his life and wants a partner who is also doing the same. If he is lying about his life, his dreams and goals or hiding sin from you, it’s a sign that he’s not yet ready to be with you in a marriage.
12. He’s supportive of your dreams and goals
A good partner will always be supportive of your dreams and goals, no matter what they may be. If he’s always cheering you on and helping you achieve your goals, that’s a great sign! It means he cares about you and wants you to be happy. Wanting someone else to be happy is key in marriage and shows you genuinely love the other person.
13. He’s honest with you
In any relationship, honesty is always the best policy. If your partner is honest with you about everything, it shows that he trusts you and wants to build a foundation of trust in the relationship. If he’s secretive, hiding things, lying about things, or shading the truth, then he’s not marriage material. Walk away! It won’t get any better in marriage.
14. He’s patient with you
Relationships can be tough sometimes, but if your partner is patient and understanding with you, it shows that he’s in it for the long haul. He understands that relationships take work and he’s willing to put in the work, time, and sacrifice to have a good marriage. He’s ready!
15. He’s there for you when you need him
Whether you’re going through a tough time or just need someone to talk to, a good partner will always be there for you. If your partner is always ready and willing to lend a listening ear or a helping hand, that’s definitely a sign he’s ready for marriage because it means he’s putting you first. He’s valuing your time with him and he’s someone you can count on. If he’s constantly leaving, hiding, or running for the hills when trouble comes, he’s not ready to make a marriage work. A man ready for marriage, stays. He doesn’t run away, cower from confrontation, or leave when things get tough. Marriage is give and take and goes through good and bad. If he’s not willing to be there, fully there, in the bad, he’s not ready.
16. He makes sacrifices for you
In any relationship, both partners will need to make sacrifices from time to time. If your partner is always willing to put your needs first, it shows that he’s fully committed to the relationship and genuinely loves you. Just be sure they are TRUE sacrifices. What I mean by that is that sometimes, things can LOOK LIKE he’s sacrificing for you, but really he’s just meeting a felt need inside of himself. For example, maybe he’s a great listener. That’s a good thing, right?! But if he’s only listening because he feels good to feel connected to someone, then it’s REALLY all about HIM and not you. The distinction is hard to grasp sometimes, so keep your eyes peeled and look closely at the intentions and motives behind why people are doing things.
17. He’s faithful
If he’s not faithful to you in a dating relationship, he will not be faithful to you in marriage and RUN away if he’s not!!! Maybe he’s still playing the field or looking for that “perfect” girl. Run. Just run! It’s not going to be worth it to stay.
18. He’s comfortable being with you
If your partner is always comfortable being around you, it shows that he enjoys your company and feels confident in the relationship. He feels like he can be himself and that you’ll love and accept him how he is. There’s no mind games or anything hidden. He’s just completely himself.
19. He loves you for who you are
In any healthy relationship, both partners should love each other for who they are – quirks and all! If your partner loves you unconditionally, it’s a clear sign that he’s ready to spend the rest of his life with you. If he thinks you’re AMAZING, then that’s what you want. You want him to be so enamored by you, that he chooses to be with you and stays with you over the long haul. In order to do that, you have to show him your amazing self. No hiding!
20. He’s self-controlled
A man who is not self-controlled in vital areas, is going to be hard to marry. For example, he may get drunk all the time or not be faithful to you when opportunities present themselves and let’s be honest, there’s ALWAYS opportunities for men because slutty women are EVERYWHERE. You can’t escape them. Your guy is going to have opportunity to cheat. YOU need to know BEFORE marriage, if he will! Maybe the self-control is in another area – perhaps he is abusive or loses his temper. Maybe he is not self-controlled with his finances so you’ll always be in debt and swimming upstream because of his lack of control. If he cannot hold his tongue in self-control, he could be very quarrelsome and not ready to have a wife yet. Stay away from these things.
21. He’s genuine
Does he lie, hide, or shade the truth? Is he an honorable man? Does he say what he means? When he makes a promise, does he keep it? These are all great ways to tell if your guy is being genuine or not. If he’s not genuine, run away. You don’t want a guy like that. Let him be someone else’s problem!
22. He’s willing to put your relationship as first (Ephesians 5:31)
If he’s more interested in his relationships with his guy friends or he lets his parents control his life, he’s just not ready. A husband will leave his parents to be one with you in marriage. He will want to. You will not have to drag him down the aisle; he will willingly want to go on his own accord.
23. He doesn’t have a single man mentality
If the guy you’re with, has a single man mentality, it’s going to be incredibly difficult to move him over from thinking of his identity as single to married. Signs of this would be, he has his relationship status on his Facebook page set to “Single”, he still talks to a bunch of friends (that are girls), he only thinks of himself a lot and doesn’t consider plans for a family. A good example of that is what kind of car does he have? If it’s a viper, his identity is most likely that of a single man. You can learn a lot about a guy by what kind of car he drives. Look for clues to see how he views himself and the world around him. Is he still looking for that “perfect girl” or putting himself around a lot of other girls, does he hang out with friends a lot, is he still acting like a kid? If he is, I’d leave. It’s not the right time in his life (and that’s okay), but who knows how long it’ll take him to grow up! Meanwhile, you’re missing out on someone who IS ready for marriage NOW and who has all his ducks in a row.
If you’re in a relationship and wondering if there are telltale signs he’s ready for marriage, these 20+ signs will give you a pretty good idea! How is he doing in it? And are you prepared to wait for him to BE ready if he’s not? These are all questions you want to ask yourself in order to make a good decision for a spouse. 🙂