The past 6 weeks have really flown. Here I was, one minute, creating this awesome eBook for you all to enjoy and to help you get your traffic up and make more money. The next minute, I’m writing a post about tomorrow being the big day in releasing the book! It makes me tear up.
Well, if you know anything about me, it’s that I’m an emotional person. LOL. I wear my heart on my sleeve, so they say.
On the other hand, it’s scary. Putting yourself out there for the world to see you succeed or fail and then tell you all about it later. What if’s running through my head. What if I didn’t give ENOUGH info. What if, it’s not good enough. What if, it doesn’t change lives like I think it will and I’m just fooling myself. The what if’s run wild and a person can get really caught up in that. I try to force the thoughts out of my head and look at the finish line…tomorrow.
I’m also, really, really proud of myself. In the years that I was married to an abusive man, he taught me never to think I could do ANYTHING. I wasn’t good enough for anything. I’d never BE good enough.
Maybe he was right and I’m not good enough. Maybe I’ll fail and fall flat on my face, but I’d rather put myself out there and fall, than to never try. And that’s what I did for years. I never tried guys. I was so focused on just trying to make him happy, make him love me, make him give a rip about his family, our marriage, me. But there was always someTHING or someONE else there to get his attention. 6 someONE’s later (yeah, sick isn’t it) we divorced.
I’ve been through a LOT in my life. My whole life has been a blur of just trying to make it through the day.
But that’s not the case anymore. I’m free! I’m free to live how I want and be debt-free without someone dragging me back in. I’m free to go after my dreams without someone there telling me I’ll just fail because I’m such a loser. I’m free emotionally to actually be PROUD of myself, for just getting out there and trying.
Tomorrow, whether I succeed or fail, I will have done something most people aren’t willing to do…I will have tried.
And that’s something I can be proud of.
For me, it’s really not about the book, I mean, yeah, when people buy it, it shows me that what I’m doing is actually worth something to you guys and that’s important, but it’s about so much more than that.
It’s about going after my dreams. Starting a blog when EVERYONE in my life told me not to….when I knew I’d be PUNISHED for going after my dreams. The reason I share all this is because I need you to know something.
You need to know how important it is for YOU to go after your dreams. But not just that, to not stand in the way of your family going after theirs either!
Dreams are worth fighting for. Tomorrow, as I officially turn 2 years old as a blogger, and I look at my bank account and how I will have earned about $21,000 this month alone from my blog and how I reach over 10 MILLION people every month in some way or another, I’m incredibly proud. I’m proud of myself for going after what I wanted…to just be home with my kids as a single mom. I’m proud of my kids for being better off because I AM home with them. I’m proud of my ex-husband for leaving me. It was honestly a tragedy that God used for good and His glory. And…I’m proud of you. For being here with me. For wanting to be home with YOUR kids. That takes GUTS.
Wherever you are in your life, I pray that you go after your dreams. That you don’t let the world stop you. And that 2 years down the line, wherever you end up, you’ll look back and be incredibly proud of yourself too, because YOU CAN do it! I’m proof that against all odds, God CAN change the lives of His children in such miraculous ways. Going from being homeless, to making $18k/year, to making more than that in one month!
Tomorrows the day….but TODAY’S the day to go after YOUR dreams! Deal?
If you haven’t already picked up your copy of How to Turn Your Blog Into a Six-Figure Money Making Machine, you can purchase it on Amazon using the links below:
- How to Turn Your Blog Into a Six-Figure Money Making Machine (releasing tomorrow)
Above all, thank you. Thank you for being here. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for learning WITH me as we grow TOGETHER in life. I’m so happy you’re here and I’m incredibly honored to be a small part of your life. My ex-husband was wrong. I’m not a loser. You guys believe in me. There’s not a better gift you could ever give me. Thank you! You’ve literally all changed my life. Somewhere along the lines in my blogging journey, I stopped believing he was right, and I started believing you. It’s MY turn to repay the favor.
I believe in you. Go after your dreams! Don’t wait. Don’t hesitate. Make them happen. Whatever your dreams are, if you work hard toward them and it’s not against God’s will, you can accomplish anything!