I’m excited that you want to find out more about what we do, what we believe, and my testimony! Researching the people you follow (or will potentially follow) is EXTREMELY important, especially in today’s world where so many claim to be Christian and are not. It’s not ours to go around judging who is who, but we do need to be aware of who we follow in order that we are not led astray! I’m so glad you’re here!
On this page, you will find:
- About This Blog (how it got established and why)
- Our Mission (what we are called to do)
- My Testimony (how I became saved)
- My Training and Upbringing in the Lord (my spiritual growth)
- What We Believe (our statement of faith)
About This Blog
I started this blog because God put it in my heart to do so. At that time, I didn’t even know what a blog was! Or that I could make money from it.
There were a lot of questions from friends about my life and how I was able to live so well on so little. A lot of the questions were the same and so in order to save time, I felt like God wanted me to have a place I could put all the information down.
A place to send the people when they asked the questions. I could then just email them a link to read all about it, I could go deeper than I could in passing or in an email or in an in-person conversation and I could save time that way, instead of constantly repeating myself to multiple people.
God used one of my Christian friends at the time, Julie, to make me realize I needed a place to put all the information online. She was asking a lot of great questions, very direct questions and it helped me be able to think and know what people wanted to learn from me.
I started the blog and it was, at first, not open to the public. Just a password-protected site just for my friends. I didn’t want it public, because I was speaking more intimately (about my life, etc.) and didn’t want the whole world to know my life.
Unbeknownst to me, my friends started sharing that password with others. Although I didn’t intend for them to, they didn’t know I didn’t want it shared, and I feel like it was God-ordained they did.
I started seeing 100 people a day come to my site within a super short amount of time and so I opened it to the world and thought, “Well, I’ll just open it to everyone, whoever wants to see it.” I didn’t promote it or try to get traffic. I was just taking one step at a time, obeying God, helping my friends, serving others.
One thing led to another and I realized that a blog could be monetized. I remember thinking, “If I could replace my ebay income (profits were around $18k/year at that time), then I could do this and stop having to ship/sell ebay all the time.
Eventually, this blog and in turn my printables shop and my courses site, would become the backbone to my income online. I’m so thankful where God has brought me and all He’s taken me through. I am here today, only because He brought me here.
What started as a tiny little blog, built by someone who had no clue what they were doing, God has grown it to have served millions of people, and to not only replace my ebay income, but to provide an amazing life for me and my kids as well as those around me that I have opportunity to serve.
Our Mission
Almost every day that I wake up, I open up my Bible that day and ask God to show me what He wants me to do for that day. What is His objective, His task for me.
With that in mind, I know some of His mission for me. Some I don’t and can’t know. We can’t know everything.
What I DO know is that He wants me to serve on and through this blog and in person. Lately, He’s been calling me to create MORE Christian blog posts, more faith-based trainings, and to delve into a deeper knowledge of Him in order that I am able to share that.
I know that one day He wants me to be a public speaker. I do believe that He’s called me to impact and help strengthen families and marriages. How He wants me to do that, I’m not exactly sure yet.
I think it’s very important to be honest and not pretend that I have everything together or know everything. I’m learning about God WITH you. I’m studying my Bible, listening to sermons, deepening my knowledge of God WITH you. I’m walking with you. I’m not a Pastor (I believe women Pastors do not line up with the Bible). It is okay for a woman to teach the things of God outside the church, if God has so called her, and to her family, but not within the church walls.
With that said, God has called me to be like Moses in that I am to spend an immense amount of time with Him (and I do) and He will show me what to tell my audience and how to lead them in the way that He wants me to lead. It is very much a daily thing. 🙂
My Training and Upbringing in the Lord
I grew up in a home that used God to “feel good about ourselves”. No spiritual fruit was present and God was just something my mom leaned on to get through life and be around nice people. There was no spiritual fruit present, no hunger for the Word of God, and no desire to be well pleasing to Him or obedient.
When I gave my life to God at the age of 28, my entire life changed. God and His Word are the forefront of my entire life. It is the authority IN my life on how to live a godly, well-pleasing life centered and focused on God.
It was very apparent for me from the very beginning that God couldn’t only be a Sunday thing, but a daily, an hourly, a minute by minute relationship with the One I loved.
Outside of church and being involved in that, I personally follow God-fearing Pastors online such as Alistair Begg and Charles Spurgeon. This means that I am listening to multiple sermons every week and studying the Word of God in depth.
Now, I am presently working through all of Alistair Begg’s. It will take me some years to get through them, but this is my commitment before the Lord, to stay heavily devoted to Him in all ways, including knowledge of Him.
People often ask me how many times I have read through the entire Bible. To date, I have read through it three times, but I tell you, that every time I read it, it expands my knowledge and I never get tired of it. It is my greatest joy in my day, to spend several hours (in increments throughout the day) pouring through the Word of God.
Other Christ-centered teachings I read (books): Jim and Elizabeth George, A.W. Pink, J.I. Packer, A.W. Tozer, Jerry Bridges, and The Valley of Vision Puritan Prayers are my favorites.
I have all of Ray Vander Laan’s videos as well and love to study the Bible in historical context. This is something my son and I love to watch together. However, I do not know if my son is saved yet. He wants to be a Pastor when he grows up (he has since he was 3) but he is not walking near to the Lord at this moment. My daughter on the other hand, is a very new Christian and she is trying her best but her desire for the Lord and His Word is not where it should be.
All in all, I am trying my best to raise my children in a godly home, one where they know they can choose God for themselves. It’s not some mandate placed upon them, but their own choice as individuals. I’m here to guide them and love them, but ultimately, how they choose to live is their own responsibility.
Along with being taught personally by God all these years, these are the trainings that I have utilized, along with being shepherded weekly for three years, in a one-on-one relationship with my Pastor’s wife of a church I attended a long time ago, mostly on the topic of marriage and then on godliness.
What We Believe
1- I believe that being close to God DAILY is the most important thing we can do as Christians. In a busy world, we must absolutely DEMAND our time FROM the world, with Christ. We must make it our priority every day.
2- Second to that, we need to invest time with our spouses (if we have one) and then our families. Our model as women is the Proverbs 31 woman. Our family must NOT be compromised in order to work online or make money, but that we can make money online, if desired or necessary, WITH our family. This blog and my platforms, are very much a family business.
3- It is the highest priority of our lives to become who God has called us to be as women. We should learn to think Biblically and the Bible should frame our entire life, our emotions, mind, wills, and convictions. Walking in the spirit and understanding that our home is not of this world is how we should maintain our daily lives and conduct.
4- Scripture is inspired by God, inerrant, and infallible in the original writings, and they are of final authority. We cannot make the Bible say what we want and we must do our due diligence to study it out, as God intended it to be read and understood, and then to obey according to the Scriptures.
5- In one living and true God, all infinite, all-knowing spirit, perfect in all His attributes, eternally existing in one essence, yet co-equal persons, the Trinity: Father, Son & Holy Spirit.
6- Jesus Christ was begotten by God, conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of the virgin Mary.
7- Mankind was created in the image of God but sinned, and thereby incurred not only physical death, but spiritual death as well, which is separation from God. Human beings are since then, born with a sinful nature.
8- God created humans to be male and female as He designed (“she” and “he” cannot be redefined for the believer). Likewise, God instituted the relationship of marriage in the beginning with Adam and Eve and set forth it to be, as a standard, one woman and one man for life, and that due to sin, things like divorce, homosexuality, and polygamy have entered into the world, but is not a part of God’s will or His desire for us.
9- The Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures as a representative and substitutionary sacrifice, and that all who believe in Him are justified on the basis of His blood. However, believing that He exists is not enough to be saved (the Bible says even Satan believes God exists; surely Satan is not a Christian). Therefore, we must come to an understanding and obedience to make God LORD of our entire lives. Not hiding or withholding any portions of ourselves to Him, for His service.
10- Election is the act of God by which He chose (before the foundation of the world) those whom He graciously regenerates, saves, and sanctifies. Sovereign election does not contradict or negate the responsibility of men and women to repent and trust Christ as their Lord and Savior.
11- In the resurrection of Jesus’ crucified body, His ascension into heaven, and His present life there as High Priest and Advocate for us.
12- In the hope of the imminent return of our Lord, Jesus Christ who will return to receive the church, unto Himself at the rapture.
13- That all who receive Jesus Christ by faith, are born again by the Holy Spirit and thereby become children of God and heirs of eternal life. This means that every true believer on Earth, is a part of the family of God. We, being brothers and sisters in Christ, should maintain ourselves as such and treat each other with dignity, respect, and love.
14- Every believer is sanctified (set apart) unto God by justification and is declared to be holy. This sanctification is positional and instantaneous and is not be confused with progressive sanctification, which we strive for, running with all endurance until the day we meet Jesus face to face.
15- All the redeemed, once saved, are kept by God’s power and are secure in Christ forever. You cannot lose your salvation once truly saved.
16- In the existence of a personal devil, Satan, who is still working in the world to destroy the souls of men, and that he and all his angels and all who do not receive Christ as their personal Savior will eternally perish in the lake of fire. Satan and all fallen angels are the direct enemy of God and man.
17- In the Church, whose mission it is to preach the Scriptures to all the world, all of its endeavors being guided by multiple leadership and supported by the wise stewardship of God’s people. That the ordinances of the Church, given by the Lord, are Baptism and the Lord’s Table (Communion).
18. Women Pastors or women who purposely lead adult men in Biblical matters are not Biblical, nor God’s design for women. We should stay far away from such leaders because if they cannot determine God’s will in such a clear case as this, how can they rightly determine the Word of God on other areas. Women can, of course, lead children, both male and female.
19. God Shepherd’s His flock and speaks to us by His Word (the Bible), through our moral convictions/consciences (which He gave to every human), through circumstances and situations (opening and closing doors according to His will), and through godly men and women (such as seeking godly counsel, and through Pastors, Elders, and the like).
20. God never asks us to do something contrary to Scripture and so knowing His Word, thoroughly inside and out, is one of the best uses of our time here on earth, in order that we may not be led astray by the devil or false teachers and spirits and in order that we may become an effective tool and witness for our Lord Jesus Christ.
I’ve been asked what religion I am. That’s great! We are to be like Bereans and really make sure the people we are following are genuine born-again believers!
What religion is Sarah Titus?
I am a non-denominational, Bible-believing Christian.
Not sure if you are saved? I struggled with that too! Here’s how to know if you’re really saved.
If you have any other questions, not already answered in here, I’d love to hear from you. You can contact me here: Sarah (at) SarahTitus DOT com