There are three flower arrangements.
Which one are you?
Are you the biggest one? Full of the spirit and on top of the world right now? Flying so beautifully like a butterfly, soaring so majestically like an eagle.
Or maybe you feel like the ugliest flower set.
Pitiful and small.
Worthless. Like no one would care about you if you died. There’s no sense in doing ANYTHING because whatever you do, it doesn’t matter. No one cares.
You see all these giants around you. All these amazing people, more beautiful flowers and you know you’ll never compare. You’ll never catch up.
Let’s twist your thinking here for a moment…
Isn’t it stunning that GOD doesn’t see us like YOU see yourself?
He doesn’t look at all the arrangments together and compare and contrast.
She’s bigger.
She’s better.
She’s worse.
She’s pitiful. NO.
He looks at each one of us individually.
The biggest flower set how she grows and is full of life.
No one should make her feel bad because she’s on top of the mountain right now. For she’s seen MANY, and I mean MANY valleys. Let her ENJOY the mountaintop for a while. Eventually, she’ll come down, hit another valley. Such is the way of life.
Let her enjoy it.
But don’t let HER success, HER beauty, HER whatever it is you’re comparing to her, make you feel bad.
Because on your own, just by yourself, without anyone around, you ARE beautiful.
You’ve just believed the lies that you’re pitiful. But look how beautiful the flowers are by themselves, without anyone else to compare them too.
Listen, God sees us all as individuals. Uniquely made. There’s no reason to compete with each other for anything in the spiritual world. God is pleased with each of us, as we seek to obey Him and shape our lives around His grace, love, peace, and mercy.
Whether you’re on top of the mountain, or in the worst valley of your life, know this…God is there. And He’s not comparing you to anyone else, only to Himself.
How do you measure to HIM?
How does your life stack up against HIM?
Try your best to be like your Master. Not anyone else. Okay. ❤️