“Just rest, you’ll feel better!!”
Does that phrase sound familiar? But what that person doesn’t know is the mound of dishes you have to do, the baths you have to give to kids, school papers to sign and you haven’t even showered for the day yet.
How in the world can you find time to rest as a busy mom???
Let’s look at why taking time to rest is so important for moms, and what TRUE rest actually is!
Why Taking Time To Rest Is So Important
Taking time to rest is important for EVERYONE in general, and also for moms. We have a ton on our shoulders such as raising children, daily messes to clean, running our household, being a good wife, and tons of other things, right?
And those things shouldn’t be seen as burdens, but rather blessings and opportunities God gives us to sanctify us and grow closer to Him. But that doesn’t mean they are easy, and we do need to rest so we can better take care of ourselves and our families, and ultimately live out our Proverbs 31 calling!
This isn’t your typical, take a long hot bath, read a book, take a nap type of ideas… although there’s nothing wrong with those ideas and sometimes they are needed and really help! Trust me, I definitely enjoy a nice long hot bath. 😁
But rest goes deeper than just physical or even mental self-care… we need that SPIRITUAL rest that only comes from God.
“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. “For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
He wants us to bring our burdens and cares to Him so He can give us HIS yoke – which is easy, light, and just the rest we need.
We have to be clear here too… you can NOT truly love and minister to your family when you are not taking time to grow spiritually yourself, resting in Him, and carving out that time in your routine every day. Because when you neglect that time with God you begin doing things out of your own strength, and not from Him.
You can’t pour out from an empty cup, right? Don’t feel guilty for taking time to rest, view it as an essential thing you have to do because God calls you to.
You may have a million things to do, and that might not change, but your attitude and energy level will be 100% different when you have given yourself that spiritual rest and peace from God. 😊
4 Ways You Can Take Time To Rest Today
Fortunately, there are some great ways moms can take time to truly rest and feel refreshed! Check out these 4 things you can start doing today, even as a busy mom…
1. Read God’s Word
If you aren’t able to read that morning before your kids get up (because let’s be honest, life happens sometimes!) go ahead and read while you are all eating breakfast, or right after.
There are actually so many benefits to your kids to see you reading your Bible, and can even be a great opportunity to have some family Bible time together, sparking good, godly conversation!
Reading His Word first thing in the morning is essential because it helps get your mind more aligned with His throughout the day and prepares you for whatever comes your way – even if you don’t have time to physically rest throughout the day!
2. Make A Prayer List
Did you know that praying for other people can actually help you find rest??
We pray for others because God asks us to (James 5:16), and we should out of our love for Him and for others. But also, praying for others takes the focus off of yourself and your own troubles – when you focus on serving others, it can help lower yourself in a humble way and help you put others first.
Sometimes, rest means focusing not on your own needs but others, and asking God to give you a heart for people like your kids, spouse, family, friends, etc.
Keep a prayer list, and add the things you would like to pray for yourself, but make sure to include others on there! 😊
3. Make Time To Do Something You Enjoy
Sometimes, we can get lost in motherhood, and feel like we lack purpose or passions. Ask God to help you find something that you truly enjoy, or something that would help you find rest and recharge.
Maybe it’s picking up a new marriage or parenting book you have been wanting to read, exercising to take care of your body (which is a temple according to the Bible – 1 Corinthians 6:19-20), hand lettering or journaling, or anything He brings to your mind!
4. Go Outside For 15 Minutes
How does going outside help me rest spiritually? I am glad you asked!
This is more along the lines of “mental” resting like the bath or nap we mentioned earlier, but I am telling you there is something so awe-inspiring and eye-opening about taking some time to go outside every day.
Pick a time when either the kids are napping, having quiet time, or you can have them watch a good Christian TV show for 15 minutes – anything so you can have those few minutes to go outside.
When you look around, think of all the things God created. Slow down, no rushing, then take in a deep breath and enjoy that 15 minutes of peace. You will feel a lot calmer, and it gives your mind a good reset.
Plus, on another physical level, it helps your vitamin D levels go up – I happen to have SUPER low vitamin D and this definitely helps.
I pray that you feel encouraged, and understand that taking time to TRULY rest is actually what God wants for you!
You can’t be the mom you desire without first leaning into Him, and filling your cup. That’s why it’s so important to take time to rest, and don’t ever feel guilty for doing that! 😊